Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher

For the timely extinguishing of fires in the premises it is recommended to use a fire extinguisher. There are several types : air-foam, carbon dioxide and powder fire extinguishers, which differ in basic technical characteristics.

In this article we will consider the principle of action and how to use the carbon dioxide fire extinguisher correctly.

What is a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher?

A special feature of the carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is the use of carbon dioxide as a fire-extinguishing agent in it, so that no fire and dirt remain in the fire.

When using it, you need to know that a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher can extinguish various flammable substances that do not burn without air intake and that it is not effective for extinguishing sodium, potassium, aluminum, magnesium and their alloys. Also it can not be used to extinguish a burning person, since a snow-like mass of carbon dioxide trapped on the skin will cause frostbite, because its temperature is -70 ° С.

It is recommended to be used in industrial plants, in vehicles in chemical laboratories, on electrical installations under tension, and even in museums and archives, since carbon dioxide cools the combustion zone and dilutes the combustible air environment with a non-combustible substance until the combustion reaction ceases.

Depending on the place of use, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are automotive, domestic and industrial, and depending on the size - portable and mobile.

The device and principle of operation of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher

A conventional portable fire extinguisher has the following device:

1 - steel cylinder; 2 - lever or shut-off device, 3 - siphon tube; 4 - the bell; 5 - handle for transfer; 6 - check or seal; 7 - carbon dioxide.

The principle of operation of such a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is based on the fact that the charge of carbon dioxide is displaced by its own pressure (5.7 MPa), which is set when the fire extinguisher bottle is filled. Therefore, when the lever is pressed, the carbon dioxide charge is quickly pushed through the siphon tube to the bell, while it passes from the liquid state to the snow-like one, which helps cool the zone where the jet will be directed.

Activation of carbon dioxide fire extinguisher

To use carbon dioxide fire extinguisher you need:

  1. Rip off a check or a seal.
  2. To direct to the fire a bell.
  3. Press the lever. If a fire extinguisher is fitted with a valve, turn it counter-clockwise until it stops.

Using a fire extinguisher, it is not necessary to release the entire charge.

Terms of use of carbon dioxide fire extinguisher

To use the fire extinguisher did not cause harm, it is necessary to follow certain rules when operating it:

When storing, adhere to the temperature regime -40 ° C to + 50 ° C, avoid direct sunlight and the effects of heating devices.

When extinguishing, bring the bell to the fire no closer than 1m.

Do not use carbon dioxide fire extinguisher after the expiration date (usually 10 years).

In closed rooms, after using a fire extinguisher, it is necessary to ventilate.

Do not allow fire extinguishers to be used without a seal from the manufacturer or the recharging company. Observe the periodicity of the mandatory recharge of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers (annually) and the examination of the integrity of the steel cylinder (every 5 years).

Carry out inspection and repair work of fire extinguishers only at special charging stations.

When choosing a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, it is necessary to be guided by the area of ​​the room in which it will be located, since the necessary mass of the charge and the duration of the extinguishing agent supply depend on this.