How to make a salad "Sunflower"?

Salad "Sunflower" is a very beautiful and unusual dish, which resembles a flower of a sunflower. A strictly defined recipe does not exist, so everything depends on your imagination and imagination. You can even make out salad "Sunflower" in different ways: for example, with olives, canned corn or peeled sunflower seeds. On the sides, it is always decorated with chips. Such an unusual and original appearance, he will take a worthy place on any festive table. The layered salad "Sunflower" is very tasty, nutritious and will definitely give your guests pleasure. Let's consider with you how a delicious and delicious dish is made - a salad "Sunflower".

Salad "Sunflower" with potatoes and cucumbers



So, first we take the potatoes, mine under running water, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water, salt and cook for medium heat. Then carefully take the boiled potatoes, put them on a plate and wait until it has cooled down completely. Next, we clean it from the peel and rub it on a large grater. Then boil the eggs, cool, clean, separate the proteins from the yolks and rub on a small grater in different containers. While eggs and potatoes are being cooked, we, without wasting time, open the jar with the liver of cod and carefully shift it into a piello, carefully stretching it with a fork. Now take the onion, clean and chop finely - finely. Pickled cucumbers cut into cubes. Then we put on the table a beautiful salad bowl and start spreading the salad layers, promazyvaya everyone with mayonnaise. So, at the very bottom we put grated potatoes, a little salted and "mayonnaise". Then sprinkle onions, then lay the cod liver, top pickled cucumbers and then a squirrel of chicken eggs. The topmost layer is covered with a well-grated chicken yolk. And now we include all our imagination and imagination, the decoration of salad begins. Very carefully draw on top of the yolk mayonnaise mesh and in each hole stack one olive. On the sides we decorate the dish with chips, imitating the petals of the sunflower. That's all, a salad "Sunflower" with cucumbers ready!

Salad "Sunflower" with fried mushrooms



So, how to make a salad "Sunflower" with champignons and potatoes? Take the chicken breast, boil it in salted water, cool and cut into thin fibers. Then take the mushrooms, mine, cut into plates and fry until ready in the pan. This time we boil eggs in the scoop, clean them from the shell and rub on a large grater.

When all the ingredients are prepared, start to collect the salad. Take a beautiful wide dish and spread the products layers, promazyvaya everyone with mayonnaise. At the bottom, we put chopped chicken meat, then fried mushrooms, then eggs and grated cheese. On top, put the olives cut into 4 parts, and into the center three on a small grater yolk. Ready salad "Sunflower" with potatoes put in the refrigerator for several hours, so that it is properly soaked, soaked. Before serving on the table, decorate the sides of the salad with chips and sprinkle with finely chopped dill. Enjoy your meal!