Care of Victoria in Autumn

Strawberries are not for nothing considered queen among berries, which grow in our climatic conditions. And this is due to its exquisite taste and unique aroma, which is so popular with most of us. Special taste qualities are the closest relative of the strawberry - garden strawberries, or as it is called, Victoria. Unfortunately, the season of maturation of this beautiful berry is rather short - by the end of the first summer month it ceases to bear fruit. However, at the same time it requires a considerable labor effort on the part of the owner, moreover, not only in spring and summer. Need care for Victoria and Autumn. And this, in turn, is a pledge that the next summer on your backyard will be a wonderful berry harvest. Therefore, we will tell you what to do with Victoria in the autumn.

In general, autumn care of Victoria presupposes, firstly, compulsory pruning of bushes, and secondly, fertilizing it with fertilizers, and, thirdly, preparing the plant for winter.

How to care for Victoria in the autumn: pruning shrubs

One of the most important milestones in caring for garden strawberries is pruning. Circumcision usually affects the mustache and leaves of the bushes. The necessity of this procedure is explained by the provision of rest to the plant after active growth and fruiting, which will lead to the rejuvenation of the Victoria and the recruitment of forces by the next summer. In addition, this processing of Victoria in the autumn will help improve the condition of each bush. It is known that various pests settle on the leaves. Cropping them, you naturally improve strawberries.

Regarding how to trim the Victoria in the fall, then this procedure is recommended to be performed immediately in the fall in September. Use a pruner, a sharp knife or a pair of scissors. It is important to cut off the leaves at a level of 10 cm from the ground, so as not to damage the growth point of the Victoria.

After circumcision, experienced gardeners are advised to treat shrubs with solutions from pests and diseases. Also very useful for berries will be to weed the rows, loosen them and sprinkle fresh earth for bare roots.

How to care for the berries in Victoria in autumn: feeding

But autumn fertilizing is necessary for strawberry Victoria for the accumulation of organic, mineral substances and the formation of new fruit and leaf buds. Apply fertilizer Victoria in the autumn follows after pruning of leaves and mustaches, that is, in September.

If you talk about how to feed Victoria in the fall, then for these purposes, excellent humus, compost , chicken manure, cowshed. Use and mineral fertilizers ( superphosphate , potassium salt). Excellent growth for the kidneys gives feeding, for the preparation of which you need to mix 2 tablespoons of potassium fertilizers and nitrofoski with a glass of wood ash, dissolving the mixture in 10 liters of water. This talker must be poured under every bush. After applying the fertilizer, it is recommended to mulch the soil.

Autumn care for Victoria: preparation for winter

In areas where winter is always snowy, the cold of Victoria is not terrible. But the absence of snow for plant bushes can be fatal. That's why for the winter strawberries should be harbored.

Especially for mulching is suitable for ordinary straw. It is necessary to carefully and completely cover each bush. But if you do not have straw at your disposal, you can use other materials. As a covering pillow fit and fallen foliage, peat, tree branches or stalks of corn - all that is in your garden. In addition, quite often for the preparation of strawberry Victoria for winter use the purchased cover material - spunbond or lutrasil.

Thanks to such care in the fall behind the Garden of Victoria, the plant will accumulate strength and give you a delicious and rich harvest next year.