Ficus Natasha

Ficus Natasha is one of the most popular species of the Benjamin ficus - a dwarf variety of a plant with a compact crown, in the form of a neatly branching bush, with oval mottled slightly curved leaves. Since ancient times, it is believed that the ficus is a symbol of a home, strong love and family well-being, which is probably why it can be found in almost every home.

Ficus Natasha - how to care?

To begin with, it is worth remembering that the ficus of any kind does not like when it is disturbed, so it is necessary to immediately determine its permanent place. Also choosing in the house a place for this flower, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the ficus Natasha does not particularly need bright illumination, but in the shadow it will not be very cozy. This plant will be quite comfortable at a short distance from the window, away from drafts, as well as from batteries and other heaters.

Ficus Natasha needs moderate watering with warm water. It is important to ensure that the soil does not over-moisten, but it does not dry out too much. Ficus perfectly adjusts to regular spraying, especially in hot weather or during the heating season. From the beginning of spring and until late autumn, the plant is recommended to feed every two weeks with liquid mineral fertilizers.

Transplanting the ficus of Benjamin Natasha should be made when the pot is noticeably small for him. As a rule, young plants are transplanted once in 1-2 years, and adults - every 4 years.

Thanks to pruning and pinching, the young ficus can be formed to any taste, giving a special shape to the crown or trunk of the plant. To form a trunk in one pot, several young equally developed foci Natasha are planted, twisting their trunks in a pigtail, burning them or in other arbitrary forms.

How to twist the ficus Natasha?

As it was already said, a few pots are planted in one pot and, as they grow, are neatly interlaced into the desired shape, while tying the barrel with something to fix it, for example, with wire or bandage. Thus, to twist the spiral it will be enough to have two barrels, and for a pigtail - three. In the future, the trunks of the plant will thicken and acquire the desired shape, so weaving should be done freely, with holes, and remove side shoots.

Ficus Natasha - reproduction

An excellent period for the reproduction of the ficus is spring-early summer. Cutting is the main way of its propagation. Cutted apical cuttings are put into the water on the solar window. After the roots begin to appear, the cuttings are allowed to dry slightly and are planted in small pots with soil.

Problems in growing a flower in the ficus Natasha

Ficus of any kind is considered sufficiently resistant to diseases and pests. However, at high temperatures and too dry air, the ficus can infect a spider mite or a shield aphid. If you notice that the leaves of the Natasha ficus, the wine can be different reasons: again, dry air, stagnation moisture, drafts or lack of light. In addition, suddenly lose the leaves of the ficus Natasha can as a result of a sharp change in the environment, as well as after a transplant.

Brown spots along the edges and tips of plants can arise due to too high air temperature in the room, as well as overfeeding the plant with fertilizers.

In bush ficuses, such as Natasha, the leaves wilt and turn yellow, usually as a result of the drying out of the soil and the insufficient humidity of the air. Therefore, do not forget to monitor the temperature regime in the room where your green pet is located, and also regularly spray it.