Ovaries are ill - all possible causes

Presenting to the gynecologist complaints that periodically the ovaries are ill, women in most cases do not know the reasons of painful sensations. In order to establish the factor that provoked this phenomenon, a comprehensive examination of the reproductive system is required. Consider the problem in more detail, highlighting the causes of the appearance of pain.

Ovaries ache - reasons

Most gynecologists find it difficult after examining the woman to determine the cause and answer the patient's question: why do the ovaries hurt and how to get rid of the pain. It must be said that often the soreness of the sex glands is caused by diseases of the reproductive system. Among the provoking factors, doctors identify the following violations:

The ovary hurts before monthly

Drawing pain in the ovaries often appears on the eve of menstrual flow. This syndrome is common. It is associated with insufficiency of the yellow body. At the end of the cycle, this anatomical formation takes place, which produces progesterone. Insufficient production can cause changes in the mucous membrane of the uterus. As a result, the woman fixes soreness in the ovaries. The following features are characteristic for this phenomenon:

Ovaries are ill during menstruation

As studies of physicians show, the sex glands do not hurt during menstruation. The so-called "aching pain in the ovaries", to which women complain, is localized directly in the uterus. It is directly related to those changes that occur in the reproductive organ during menstruation. Mucous membrane of the uterus in the absence of conception begins to gradually flake. This process causes aching pain.

Painful sensations during menstruation can be intensified and intensive contractions of uterine myometrium. So the organ helps to remove from the cavity flaking cells of the endometrium, the remains of the egg, which dies unfertilized. Strong cuts provoke pain. They can be expressed so much that they break the habitual routine of a girl's day, reduce her efficiency.

As for pain directly in the ovaries, it is provoked:

The ovary hurts during ovulation

Many girls complain that they are seriously ill in the middle of the cycle of the ovaries. Soreness at this time is directly related to a violation of the integrity of the outer membranes of the sexual gland. When ovulation , a mature egg leaves the follicle located in the ovary, into the abdominal cavity. At the same time, a microscopic trauma remains on the site of the breakthrough. A small amount of blood is extracted from it.

Directly this biological fluid enters the cavity of the peritoneum, causing its irritation. Because of this, the ovary hurts when ovulating. The following signs indicate that pain is directly related to this process:

The ovary hurts after ovulation

Severe pain in the ovaries in the second half of the menstrual cycle can be associated with changes in the endometrial layer. Hormonal changes in this phase increase the rate of growth of the cells of the inner shell of the uterus. So the uterus is prepared for possible fertilization. If it does not occur, the processes of reverse development begin. The hormonal background changes, the myometrium intensifies its activity. Directly reducing this layer can cause soreness. For the same reason, the ovaries are painful after menstruation.

Ovaries are ill during pregnancy

Often, women in the position tell supervising doctors that their ovaries are ill during pregnancy, in the early stages. In establishing the causes, it is clear that there is no connection between the painful sensations and the changes in the sex glands. Among the main causes of aching, pulling pain in the ovaries during the carrying of the baby, gynecologists distinguish:

  1. An increase in the size of the uterus. The genital organ with each day of pregnancy increases in volume. As a result of such changes, there is a change in the topography of the ovaries and tubes: they are raised and located above their usual place.
  2. The overgrowth of the ligamentous apparatus supporting the uterus and appendages. As a result of the growth of the fetus, the ligaments experience great loads, and tension appears in them.

To cope with such physiological changes, and reduce their manifestations to pregnant women help:

Pain in the ovaries during sex

Sharp pain in the ovary during sexual intercourse often becomes the cause of its interruption. A woman experiences severe discomfort, sometimes painful feelings are expressed so much that the partner has to take pain medication. The reasons explaining because of what the ovaries ache during intercourse, a lot. Among the main:

Ovaries ache after sex

Pain in the ovaries after sex can be triggered by a strong overstrain of the muscles of the vagina. This phenomenon is called in the gynecology "vaginismus". In addition, soreness in the left or right side can be caused by violent, passionate sex. Deep penetration, incorrect choice of posture causes pain in the lower abdomen. To solve the problem, it is worth consulting with a sex therapist.

Pain in the ovarian cyst

Pulsating pain in the ovary can be a sign of the presence of cysts. This formation is a cavity that is filled with a liquid. Cyst as it grows increases the size of the sex gland. For a long time with a small size of cysts there is no symptomatology. Pain syndrome is typical for formations whose diameter exceeds 3 cm. At the same time, it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

What are the ovaries hurt?

Pain in the ovaries can be independently self-controlled only with ovarian syndrome - when soreness is caused by ovulatory processes. Other situations require medical correction, special therapy. Recommendations that girls receive from doctors in this violation are of a recommendatory nature:

Ovarian Diagnosis

In order to correctly identify the disorder causing pain in the ovaries, the causes of this symptom, doctors resort to a comprehensive examination of the patient. At the same time, the list of diagnostic procedures directly depends on the expected disease. Among the basic examinations and analyzes in such a situation, when the ovaries are aching, we can distinguish:

Preparations for pain in the ovaries

Appointment of medicines, when the ovaries are acutely ill, the doctor is engaged exclusively. Only after a full examination of the patient, establishing an exact cause, is selected the course of drug therapy. Often, soreness is triggered by infections in the reproductive system. In this case, the basis of treatment is made up of antibiotics:

These medicinal components also contain suppositories for ovarian pain, prescribed to women. Such a dosage form allows you to quickly eliminate symptoms, ease the patient's well-being. Providing local action, suppositories reduce manifestations of the disease - pain, discomfort, discomfort disappear after several uses of the drug.