How to grow persimmon - tricks to get a home harvest

Gardeners who want to learn how to grow a persimmon should immediately prepare for the fact that in our region for a large harvest will not have to count. To grow a persimmon is not an easy task, but if you succeed, the fruits considered healthy will be pleasing with its juicy, sweet pulp and a large content of valuable microelements and vitamins.

Persimmon - planting and care in the open ground

Before growing a persimmon from a stone or from a seedling in the open ground, you should carefully prepare the soil for this. In the garden area, it is advisable to plant this crop seedlings. Disembarkation is carried out in pits, with fertilizer added to them, larger in volume than the roots, to a depth of 10 to 18 cm (depending on the ease of the soil). The earth around the tree is not trampled down, as it subsides, it requires abundant watering. Soil for persimmons is needed the same as for other varieties of fruit seedlings. For eight female seedlings, one male should be planted.

Care measures are needed as follows:

How to plant a persimmon in the garden?

Asked how to grow a persimmon, start with the right place for planting. Preferred for this culture are the spaces closed from the wind, accessible to sunlight, not planted with various plants. Persimmon does not like the lowlands, in which moisture accumulates, is well established on loamy and sandy loam soils, in places where groundwaters are close to the surface of the earth (not deeper than 80 cm). Growing persimmon is compared with the growth of peach, choosing the southern side, planting near the wall of the heated room.

Persimmon - conditions of growing in the garden

To know how to grow a persimmon in the garden, familiarize yourself in advance with the required rules of agricultural technology and the necessary climatic conditions. Persimmon, being a frost-resistant crop, in comparison with its tropical counterparts, can withstand temperatures of -20-23 ° C. This culture loves moist soil, but water stagnation should be avoided. Periodically, you should feed the tree with mineral fertilizers, and for better fruiting, plant and produce regular pruning, forming the crown. Special conditions and efforts persimmon does not require.

How to grow a persimmon in the suburban area - feeding?

When we grow persimmons in the open ground in the suburban area, we should prepare for a long process. An important factor is the choice of varieties with increased frost-resistant qualities, having acquired seedlings, it is necessary very quickly to plant them in the ground, by grafting to the south. Before growing a persimmon, bring in early spring in the soil, intended for planting fertilizers: humus or minerals (nitrogen up to 50 g, phosphorus up to 90 g and potassium to 50 g). For development and fruiting this tree needs fertilizing, it is produced annually, starting from the age of 5 years.

Care for persimmons in the garden

Care is not complicated, but it needs regular and high-quality. The most important measures to ensure a good growth of this fruitful garden culture are the following:

Experienced gardeners recommend to purchase seedlings of persimmon of a variety of korolek , which is not difficult to grow, for planting, but its fruit ripens one of the first, there are no astringent, astringent taste, they are large and sweet. The fruits of persimmon contain iodine, which gradually accumulates in them, so add some potassium iodide to the compositions for foliar dressings.

Cultivation of persimmons in the home

To grow a seedling of a persimmon at home can be from a bone, a tree will give the first harvest after 3-4 years. Answering the question: how to grow a persimmon in the home, we will consider the main stages of planting and nursing:

For the summer period, if possible, take out the tree on the street, or expose to the balcony, providing heat, light and the absence of drafts. Take care of regular watering, but in this matter, do not overdo it, a persimmon does not like excessive moisture, periodically spray the crown. With proper care at the beginning of summer, the seedling will blossom, then make the top dressing. In winter, the temperature in the room where the persimmon tree is located should be within + 10 ° С.

How to plant a persimmon at home?

Experienced gardeners, talking about how to properly plant a persimmon, advised for planting to remove the bones from different fruits, several pieces, wash them and hold in a slightly diluted solution of manganese. 1-2 months before planting, put the planting material in gauze, soaked in water and kept in the refrigerator (this method - stratification, will accelerate germination).

In a container with soil, plant the seeds 1-2 cm, and place it near the heating devices, a persimmon loves a high air temperature. In the soil mix the sod land, humus, chopped charcoal, sand, bone meal, lay the drainage layer on the bottom of the pot. The container with planted seeds is covered with glass or transparent cellophane, which should be raised for ventilation. After the appearance of tiny sprouts - the hideout will be superfluous. The plant is developing rapidly, the seedlings need to be transplanted into large pots or containers.

How to grow a persimmon in a pot - watering

Having learned how to grow persimmons at home in a pot, remember that this plant is from the tropics and needs regular, but moderate watering. For permanent, good soil and stalk moistening, spread a layer of sawdust on the surface of the ground, used tea brewing or thick sediment from coffee, they will help to retain moisture. Water for watering up, it should be soft, have room temperature.

Persimmon, growing in a potted room, does not require much trouble, regular care, the implementation of the necessary rules, will allow you to get a fruit bearing tree, while very beautiful externally. Homemade persimmon from the bones yields in five to seven years, in order to accelerate this process, vaccinate a seedlings that have reached the age of one, the tree will begin to bear fruit 1-2 years earlier.

How to grow a persimmon from a bone at home - top dressing

It was not uncommon for people to grow an exotic "green pet" in a city apartment. Talking about how to grow a persimmon in a pot, we advise you to take care of the quality of the seeds for planting and about the useful feeding. To grow persimmon houses, like any exotic plant (pineapple, lemon, banana, avocado), be patient and learn about some tricks. To achieve rapid growth of seeds, you can put them in moistened in a biostimulator (or diluted aloe juice) gauze, placed in a cellophane bag for 1-2 months, placing in the refrigerator.

To grow strong and healthy tree it is possible by means of entering in the soil of balanced compositions from minerals and organic mixtures, alternating these kinds of additional dressings. This procedure should be repeated every two to three months, during the active growth of the seedling. Persimmon does not require much enriched soil, so it is better to give it fertilizers than "overfeed" them, especially organic.

Care for persimmons at home

The best condition for home growing persimmon will be the creation of a tropical indoor microclimate that requires high temperatures, both in winter and in summer, as well as the maintenance of humidified air. The problems that arise with the cultivation of persimmons at home from the stone, a little, consider the most common of them:

  1. Poor growth, lack of new shoots - the reason for lack of nutrition. Feed and transplant in the spring.
  2. Dropping leaves - if this occurs in the summer, the cause may be a lack of heat or a draft, if in the fall, then this process is natural.
  3. Yellowing of leaves, stagnation of water in the soil, gradual death of the plant - urgent transplantation is necessary, cleaning of the root system from decayed roots, improvement of drainage in the pot, ensuring the flow of excess moisture into the pan.

Will the persimmon grown from the bones bear fruit?

To the question of exotic lovers: is it possible to grow a persimmon at home, the answer is always positive, the plant is constantly gaining popularity as a domestic pet and does not rarely bear fruit. The fruiting of persimmons growing at home depends on the quality of the seeds and the variety. Equally important is the cultivation technique. The first time a tree can blossom in conditions of a place in 3-4 years, then its fruiting also comes. To do this, you should make a pinch, at a level of 30-50 cm from the ground, leaving two or three upper shoots, after reaching 20-40 cm, pinching is repeated, forming a crown of a tree.