How to collect sea buckthorn?

When the time for harvesting and harvesting begins for the winter, the housewives work from morning till night. After all, I want so much to cook as many healthy and delicious pickles and jams as possible for the family. One of the most useful berries has always been considered a sea-buckthorn. Many people know how much useful substances and vitamins are in this berry, how useful it is to take to prevent a variety of diseases. Yes, and growing buckthorn in almost every summer residence.

Time of sea buckthorn harvesting

Beginner farmers are aware of the beneficial properties of sea-buckthorn and grow it with love all summer, but that's how to collect the sea-buckthorn, not everyone knows. When berries fully ripen, they acquire a bright orange color. They tightly stick to the branch and harvest the sea-buckthorn is not so easy. As a rule, fully sea buckthorn ripens by the end of August.

Before you begin to collect sea buckthorn, decide on its future application. For the preparation of cooking or compotes to collect sea buckthorn should be as early as possible, in late August and early September. Just at this period of maturity, the berry is still dense in texture and will not give much juice. It is useful to use it fresh, because the content of ascorbic acid in this period is the highest. For the preparation of jams or marmalade, the time for harvesting the sea-buckthorn comes a little later. After a couple of weeks, the juice in the berries becomes much more, this is the most favorable period for making sea buckthorn oil.

How to collect sea buckthorn?

Collect sea buckthorn should be very carefully, because the stem is very short, and the branch is covered with sharp spines. It is very easy to mash the berries during harvesting, and the secret juice can leave irritations on the skin. But all these obstacles and complexities are worth the usefulness that is contained in sea-buckthorn. Consider several rules and ideas on how to pick berries of sea-buckthorn: