Carriages for newborns 3 in 1

One of the important purchases for the baby is a stroller. The modern market offers a huge variety of different models of all price categories and colors, with a wide variety of accessories and functions. Modular 3-in-1 wheelchairs are rightly considered an ideal option if you want to make a purchase of quality goods for a few years.

Universal strollers 3 in 1

First, let's see if this model really justifies all the positive feedback.

Advantages of the combined wheelchair 3 in 1:

Disadvantages of wheelchairs for newborns 3 in 1:

As you can see, there are a lot more advantages, and it is quite possible to cope with minuses. But you do not have to make a purchase twice, and buying a car seat separately is also not a cheap pleasure.

Classic Strollers 3 in 1

Today there are two main types of wheelchairs of this design. Four-wheeled strollers 3 in 1 are considered to be traditional and it is this model that is more often chosen by older women. In a way, it's a tank in the world of wheelchairs. You can safely use it in any weather and in any season. The front wheels can be rotatable (in more modern models) and stationary.

For dynamic young mothers, three-wheeled strollers of 3 to 1 may seem more comfortable. It's easy to combine a walk with a toddler with roller skating or running. The front wheel of these models is maneuverable, often doubled and with a brake. This allows you to freely adjust the movement and unwind the wheelchair in any direction, keep the safety for crumbs.

A more modern variant, which can be attributed to the novelties - the bicycle carriage Evolution 3in1. This model is designed for children from six months. It is an easy stroller, a children's bicycle with a handle for the little ones and a full three-wheeled bicycle for an adult child in one.

Universal strollers 3 in 1: learn to choose

When buying, ask the seller to test the model you like. Carefully review both blocks and check how much they are easily removed and fastened. Pay attention to the stability of the stroller during the change of blocks.

Consider the cradle. In some cases, it is too small and the child quickly grows out of it. There are not very successful models with a too short visor. Think about whether all the accessories you really need, because of the amount of their price increases.

Even if you are absolutely sure of the reputation of the store, ask the seller for warranty service, quality certificate. The fact is that all replacement parts have a fairly high cost and should be warned in advance of possible breakdowns.