Massage for a child in 6 months

For the correct and full development of an infant who has not yet turned a year, he needs to do a daily massage. If for the youngest children it is a combination of stroking and rubbing movements, then by the end of the first half of the life of the baby, it is necessary to include in the program of daily massage such techniques as kneading and felting.

In addition, a strengthening massage for children 6 months usually includes stimulating movements - rapid and rhythmic beating and tingling.

How to massage a baby in 6 months?

When performing a daily massage for a child at 6 months, you can follow the following plan:

  1. First, gently stroke the handles of your child from the shoulder to the palm and the legs from the hip to the foot.
  2. With the palms of both hands, slide the baby's legs 2-3 times in different directions.
  3. Simultaneously bend and unbend both legs of the crumbs, firmly clasping them with the palms of your hands. Repeat this element 5-6 times. If the massage to a child at the age of 6 months is performed with hypertension of the muscles, it is necessary to slightly shake the legs of the baby before performing this exercise.
  4. Stimulate the turn of the crumb from the back to the abdomen, slightly turning on the side of his pelvis. Repeat this element 2-3 times on each side.
  5. Gently stroke the baby's back from top to bottom and slightly "saw" it in different directions.
  6. The fingers of both hands muzzle the back muscles, then repeat the same in the buttock area.
  7. Beat the ass of your child with the knuckles of your fingers and "chop" it with the lateral edge of the palms.
  8. Turn the crumb back on its back, in a circular motion, stroke its tummy around the navel and several times, pinch this area with your fingers.
  9. The following exercises need to include a massage program for the child at 6 months specifically to ensure that he has sat down. Give the crumbs to the thumbs of your hands and wait until he grasps hard for them. Divide the baby's arms in opposite directions and straighten. Slightly sipping the baby by the arms and encouraging him to lift the upper part of the trunk, bring him to sit down.
  10. Complete the complex of exercises follows the traditional stroking of the whole body.