How many months can I put a child?

Modern parents very often rush things, trying to teach their baby new skills and abilities. Meanwhile, there are certain age norms to which a child may not be ready to learn a new skill. In some cases, this behavior of parents can lead to disruption of the work of a tiny organism and serious consequences.

One of these skills is self-sitting. Of course, mom and dad will be much easier when the baby sits, because in this case, he can see the world around him in a new way, take his toys on his own and spend a lot of time with them. That is why adults are so impatiently waiting for the baby to learn to sit down, and some, in order to speed up the learning process, sit the child, supporting his back with his hands or using pillows for this.

Meanwhile, the early sitting down of a baby can cause significant harm to his body. In this article, we will tell you how many months you can put a child and why you can not do it too soon.

How many months can you put a child?

Most doctors, answering the question, how many months it is possible to plant a child, including half-sitting or on the ass, indicate the exact figure - 6 months. Nevertheless, even half a year is not always worth dropping crumbs. After all, all children develop differently, and the degree of readiness to learn a new skill in each of them may differ. Especially in this regard, one should be attentive to premature babies , as well as to babies having various birth traumas.

In addition to reaching the required age, a child who can begin to sit down should have the following skills:

In addition, before you start to sit down the baby, be sure to visit the pediatrician watching the child, so that he confirms the physical and psychological readiness of the crumbs.

Why not sit down before 6 months?

There are several reasons why a child can not be seated earlier than he turns 6 months old:

  1. The most important reason is the unformed muscles and bones of the spine and small pelvis. Weak muscles and spine are not yet able to hold the vertical position. Artificially planted baby will feel discomfort and, in addition, it can provoke curvature of the spinal column. Often, children, who were started to plant in infancy too early, suffer from severe violations of posture, up to scoliosis, during schooling.
  2. At first, the child who was imprisoned can not change the position of his body. Thus, the crumb can be uncomfortable, but it can not affect the situation.
  3. Lack of psychological readiness. Accepting a new position of the body is hard enough for the baby, and he may get scared. Do not force the child to do what he is not ready for.

All these reasons apply to the kids of both sexes. Meanwhile, when answering the question of how many months it is possible to put a child-girl, most doctors will forbid doing this at all until the baby does not sit on her own. Due to the anatomical features of the body, in girls, in addition to deformation of the spine, there can be a curvature of pelvic bones. Through the years this violation very often leads to painful and protracted childbirth.