The luteal phase - what is it?

Many women dream of becoming mothers. Therefore it is important to monitor your health, including the regularity of the menstrual cycle, which is divided into several phases:

The luteal phase of the cycle: what is it?

The luteal phase (another name - progesterone, the phase of the yellow body) is the period of the menstrual cycle from ovulation to menstrual bleeding.

In the luteal phase, the follicle ruptures. Cells begin to accumulate lutein pigment and lipids, which give a graafonic vesicle a yellow hue.

The yellow body begins to secrete androgens, estrogen and the "pregnancy hormone" - progesterone. Thus, the uterus begins preparation for a possible onset of pregnancy. If fertilization has occurred, then the yellow body takes on the production of progesterone until the placenta develops to the required level.

If fertilization does not happen, then the yellow body stops producing hormones. The next menstrual bleeding occurs.

How to calculate the luteal phase?

You can measure basal temperature in the rectum on a daily basis. When it becomes higher than 37 degrees, it means that there was an ovulation and a luteal phase occurred.

In order to calculate the beginning of the luteal phase, it is worth remembering the first day of the menstrual cycle and counting from it 14 days. However, such calculations are not entirely accurate, since ovulation can shift and occur as on the 12th day of the menstrual cycle (with a full cycle of 28 days) and on day 16, which is also the norm. Ultrasound diagnosis, baseline temperature measurement for several cycles can determine the average number of days a woman has before ovulation.

How long does the luteal phase last?

The average duration of the luteal phase is 14 days. In each individual case, the duration of the phase can be from 12 to 16 days. It depends on the time of the functioning of the yellow body and the influence of female hormones on the work of the reproductive organs. The long luteal phase can be in case of pregnancy or as a result of the presence of a yellow body cyst, which after a time can pass by itself.

Insufficiency of the luteal phase

Luteal phase failure: causes

Violation of the luteal phase is a frequent cause of female infertility. If the phase is too short, then this may be due to the following reasons:

Luteal phase failure in the cycle: symptoms

There are no external manifestations of the luteal phase, with the exception of the menstrual cycle.

Luteal phase failure: treatment

To assess the duration of the luteal phase, ultrasound is necessary to determine the time of onset of ovulation, a blood test for progesterone. Conducted at home, basal temperature measurements are not informative.

The main treatment prescribed with a lack of luteal phase - hormone therapy to stimulate the onset of ovulation (microfine, morning). As additional methods can be used:

Despite the seriousness of the luteal phase and the consequences of such disorders, hormonal therapy combined with alternative methods contributes to the successful occurrence of pregnancy in more than half the cases.