Raspberry leaves - useful properties

The fragrant berry raspberry is a favorite delicacy of children and adults. All parts of this plant, from fruits to twigs, are a storehouse of vitamins and medicinal substances. Especially noteworthy useful properties are the raspberry leaves, which in the summer can be ripped straight from the bush and harvested for the winter.

What are the benefits of raspberry leaves?

In the crimson foliage contains a lot of vitamin C, mineral salts and organic acids, which provide antipyretic effect. Tea from this herb allows you to suppress fever and increase the resistance of the body to colds, acting as a natural analogue of aspirin.

Due to the content of raspberry in the leaves of tannins, which have an astringent effect, the herb helps with intestinal bowel disorders and intoxication.

Benefits for women

This plant is called one of the most "female", tk. the medicinal properties of the raspberry leaf are at the same time when the reproductive system is disturbed. Tea made from dry grass facilitates PSM, spasms and menstrual pain, stimulates the production of estrogens.

In the composition of crimson leaves there are also:

These substances make dried raspberry leaves irreplaceable during pregnancy. Tea from them strengthens the walls of the uterus, relieves the manifestations of toxicosis, relieves pain and swelling in the legs, provides a strong and restful sleep. Raspberries have a positive effect on the reproductive system as a whole, because drinking a decoction from its leaves is useful not only for future mothers, but for all women.

For safety during pregnancy, tea should be taken only with the approval of a doctor.

For wound healing

Strong raspberry tea from time immemorial used externally for skin diseases. This remedy eliminates the itching accompanying eczema; relieves pain with sunburn.

The wound healing properties of raspberry leaves are at the same time with ulcers, herpes, gingivitis - it is enough to rinse the mouth with tea.

How to brew raspberry leaves?

Collecting raspberry foliage is best at the end of May, when it contains a maximum of useful substances. The harvested raw material is dried in a dark place and stored in a rag bag.

Brew raspberry tea according to the following scheme: 200 ml of boiling water is taken full spoon of chopped leaves. Of course, fresh leaves can also be used to prepare a healing drink. Insist tea 10 - 15 minutes. Its taste is very pleasant, slightly resembling black tea, but not containing caffeine.

For women who want to get pregnant as soon as possible, raspberry leaves are efficiently brewed together with peppermint .