Grass Datura

Since childhood, everyone is warned against any contact with this plant, because the herb stool has powerful hallucinogenic properties and often leads to poisoning of the body with toxins. But very few people are familiar with the curative effects of the buckwheat, which have been used for a long time both in folk recipes and in traditional medicine.

Poisonous plant dope

All parts of the considered herb - seeds, flowers, leaves and stem - contain alkaloid toxins, among which:

In high doses, these components intensively affect the cerebral cortex and the central nervous system, causing hallucinations, delirium, mydriasis, amnesia and tachycardia. Similar effects were previously used in witchcraft rituals and rituals. As a consequence, the herb datura acquired not one other name:

Datura is an ordinary - application

Modern medicine and homeopathy has learned to use the properties of datura for medicinal purposes, since in exactly selected dosages it has an antispasmodic, calming and analgesic effect on the body.

In addition, the decoction from the seeds of the plant is effective in combating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bile ducts, diseases of the respiratory system, especially asthma, convulsive cough. Oncological dope helps to reduce the intensity of pain syndrome.

The herb is also used to treat the following disorders:

To prepare the decoction you need about a teaspoon of grass seed stools, which should be boiled in 1 glass of water for 5 minutes. Chilled the drug is preferably filtered and poured into a clean container of glass, stored in a refrigerator.

Tincture of Datura - recipes

Compresses and rinses are best performed using alcoholic infusions. It's easy to make at home:

  1. In proportions of 1: 5, mix grass seeds and 70 percent alcohol.
  2. Leave in the dark and warm for a week, periodically shaking the container.
  3. Strain, pour into another bowl.

There is also a recipe for water tincture:

  1. Half a teaspoon of dope seeds should be placed in a glass, pour over with boiling water.
  2. Insist 30-45 minutes, strain.
  3. Chilled medication should be poured into a clean jar with a lid.

Stomach oil for hair removal

Many women who have tried this method, claim that the dope of unwanted hair relieves quickly and forever. As a rule, the achievement of the result depends on the quality of the raw materials purchased, as well as the individual characteristics of the organism. Hard and dark hair is more difficult to remove, so they have to handle at least 3 months.

Oily tincture of dope is sold in pharmacies and some online stores. It is very difficult to prepare it independently, moreover, there is a danger of poisoning the vapors of a poisonous plant. To remove hair should be lubricated with oil problem areas 1-2 times a day. After 10 days they must start falling out on their own.

There is an option to buy an ordinary dope in the form of dried leaves and prepare a decoction for hair removal . You can buy raw materials from well-proven people in the market who grow grass, or order it on the site devoted to phytotherapy.