How to strengthen the vessels and capillaries with folk remedies?

About problems with blood circulation signaling irregular heartbeat, constantly cold extremities, pressure jumps, dizziness, bursting capillaries, varicose veins. To ensure that these problems do not have a significant effect on health, the vessels need to be strengthened.

How to strengthen the folk remedies of vessels and capillaries on the legs?

A sedentary lifestyle, overweight , a bad diet of cholesterol - all these factors contribute to worsening of the condition of the vessels on the legs. Over time, this leads to the emergence of a continuous sense of heaviness and aching pain in the legs, with the advanced stage of varicose trophic skin changes appear.

To strengthen the vessels on the legs, folk medicine recommends changing the lifestyle and eating habits: you need to move more, and the diet should be dominated by useful products that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. They include:

In addition, folk medicine advises to carry out vascular strengthening procedures, which include contrasting douches for the feet (or the body completely), turpentine baths.

Turpentine is a natural herbal substance with the property of penetrating into the body and causing numerous positive reactions. Baths with the addition of white turpentine emulsion, which can be bought at the pharmacy, perfectly affect the capillaries and vessels, the result becomes discernible after 4-5 applications, but it is best to complete a full course - 10-15 baths.

How to strengthen the vessels and capillaries on the face?

The vascular setochka on the face looks very unaesthetically. That this problem did not disturb, it is possible to do lotions on problem zones from juice of an aloe, green tea. Inside with such a problem, doctors advise taking a decoction of the bark of the viburnum.

Decoction of the bark of the viburnum to strengthen the vessels of the face



Bark pour water, put on a heated water bath. After boiling continue to cook the broth on low heat for 20 minutes. Then cool and filter through a strainer. Take 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon.

Folk recipes for vascular strengthening

Below we offer a couple more recipes that will help strengthen the vessels.

Vitamin dessert for blood vessels



All ingredients are taken in an arbitrary proportion, about 200 grams, crushed in a blender and mixed with honey. Take a tasty medicine for 1 tablespoon 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

Tincture of horse chestnut



Fruit chestnut pour vodka and infuse for 10 days in a dark place. After the expiration of the required period, the tool is filtered out. Take 3 drops a day for 30 drops.