Ceramic brick

Ceramic brick is the most common building material. And in fact it is he who has the right to be called a brick, because it is produced by the method of burning clay. For comparison, silicate brick is just a solid material, similar in shape.

Ceramic bricks are produced in 2 ways. At the first, the raw material is formed under strong pressure - this is called semi-dry pressing. Such a brick is not desirable to use in wet rooms. The second way is more common. At the same time, the mass of clay is squeezed out of the press, dried and fired. The result is the same classic red ceramic brick.

Types of ceramic bricks

Ceramic brick is usually produced for different purposes. It can be building and facing . In addition, and they have their subspecies, specifically - the building brick can be hollow and full-bodied. The hollow building brick is otherwise called hole, slit, economical or bearing. Facing the same brick is mostly hollow and is subdivided in its turn into shaped, figured, glazed, facade and engobed.

Consider the main varieties of ceramic bricks in more detail:

  1. A solid brick - according to accepted specifications, so can only be called that brick, the volume of voids in which does not exceed 13%. It is particularly durable, so it is successfully used for the erection of strong bearing structures. Among other features of this brick can be identified its increased heat transfer, because of which the walls of it require additional thermal insulation.
  2. Hollow brick , as a rule, is used for the construction of lighter structures, such as additional external walls and partitions, frames and so on. In such a brick, the proportion of voids exceeds 13%, because of which it is less durable, but better preserves heat. However, in order to maintain this advantage, it is necessary to monitor the necessary density of the solution, so that it does not fill the holes and does not eliminate all the thermal insulation properties of the brick.
  3. Facing bricks . It has special requirements for appearance, because it is used for facing facades. A brick with perfectly smooth edges and corners, and also with a uniform color is considered suitable for work. By the way, for facial bricks much more variety of color palette is provided, which makes it possible to decorate the exterior walls of the house in accordance with the design idea.
  4. Fireclay bricks are another type of ceramic brick used mainly for furnaces and other structures that are constantly exposed to open flames. This refractory brick can withstand very high temperatures. Its name comes from the name of a special refractory clay - chamotte.
  5. Clinker brick - it is used for facing the socle and paving roads. In the production of such a building material, special refractory clays are used, which are burned to the point of sintering at a higher temperature than during the production of ordinary bricks. The result is a very strong material. It costs an order of magnitude more expensive, but its use is advisable even where the exploitation of structural elements and road surfaces is extremely severe and tough.

Rules for the transport and storage of ceramic bricks

If you want to build your ideal house of ceramic bricks, watch for its proper transportation. In no case can it be transported in bulk and unloaded roughly, like rubble - by overturning a dumper. From this on the bricks appear cracks, chipped, repulsed, polovnyak.

Transport the brick on pallets, and store it preferably under a canopy to avoid falling rain, it is possible in stacks, but always with ventilation gaps in the masonry and the aisles between them. Do not store the brick in bulk - it certainly will not do him good.