How to wash a newborn girl?

They say that when God wants to give a woman a compliment, he gives her a daughter. So you became the mother of a charming baby, so fragile and defenseless. How important it is now not to harm her with wrong care, which in the future can lead to serious health problems.

Carefully and correctly conducted intimate hygiene of the newborn girl will become the guarantee of her female health and will save in the future from many problems. What are the features of caring for girls and how to properly wash a newborn girl, so as not to harm her, let's understand together.

In an adult female, the reproductive system is reliably protected from penetration of infections by the microflora of the vaginal mucous membranes. This microflora is regulated with the help of the female hormones produced by the ovaries. At girls hormones are developed in insignificantly small quantities and consequently their sexual sphere is opened for infections. Very often girls suffer from vulvovaginitis and other inflammations of the external genitalia. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the purity of the girl's perineum from birth, to instill in her the necessary hygiene skills.

Rules for intimate hygiene of newborn girls

  1. When the baby is just born, her vagina is covered with a layer of white lubricant, which reliably protects him from penetration of microorganisms. No matter how you scratch your hands to put there "order" and everything is good to wash, you do not need to do this. Over time, the lubricant will be washed by yourself, and removing it by force, you will only harm your crumb.
  2. In the first days after birth, you may notice spotting in your daughter. To be frightened there is nothing, it is a consequence of hormonal reorganization of a children's organism - thus from it hormones are deduced. Do not forget to change every two hours to crumbs diapers and gently wash the girl.
  3. To start hygiene of genital organs in girls is necessary with cleanly washed hands. Even if you previously read the book, sat at the computer or cooked borsch, do not be too lazy to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  4. After removing the diaper, it is necessary to carefully remove stools with a wet wipe or cotton swab, while not allowing them to hit the lips of the girl. Movements should be directed from front to back.
  5. To wash a newborn girl is necessary only otherwise than under a stream of water from a tap or jug, and in no case in a basin or in a bath. Bathing in a bath is a separate hygienic procedure and it needs to be done after washing under running water.
  6. To wash off with soap the baby should not be more often than once a week. Soap has the property of overdrying the skin and mucous membranes, which causes their inflammation and peeling.
  7. How often do I need to wash girls? It is advisable to do this every time you change a diaper. If there is no opportunity to wash the crumb under running water, it is enough to conduct water procedures with a cotton swab or wet wipes.
  8. Do not forget to arrange baby air baths - after washing, do not rush to put the diaper on again, let the child 15-20 minutes "popolopopit". This will harden your baby and allow her skin to breathe.
  9. No matter how "breathing" and expensive nappies are, it is necessary to change their baby every three hours, and not to wait for their full filling. A wet diaper and a lack of airflow - that's the right way to diaper rash and irritation on the delicate baby skin.
  10. Remember that for intimate hygiene for girls do not need any special means - gels, foams, etc. To maintain the genitals in the purity of quite enough water and baby soap. If there is no diaper rash, then do not use herbal decoctions - they dry the skin, thereby reducing its protective properties.