Cat leash

A cat that does not walk by itself

Although they say that the cat walks by itself, a walk together with a pet is much more fun. It is dangerous to let the animal out into the street without supervision, and even if you look after it, you still can not keep track. Cats are very fond of exploring new territory, but, unlike dogs, they will not resort to the owner on the first call; on the contrary, they can find a secluded place and hide in it - such are their instincts.

Previously, no attention was paid to the need for walking domestic cats. Nevertheless, veterinarians around the world note the importance and necessity of such walks, because physical activity positively affects the condition of the pet's body. Remember that for walking along the street your cat should be:


If your pet is already at the venerable age (over 10 years), it is not worth starting out with him, as this can be very stressful for him.

And that your cat is not lost, and you are not worried about it, get a leash for the cat.

Choosing a cat's leash

Such adaptations exist in two varieties: a leash-harness for cats and a leash-overalls. To walk a cat on a leash it was convenient for you, the leash should be at least two meters long. And the best option is a leash-tape measure for cats, or similar models that are used for walking small dogs.

A cat is not very comfortable when something heavy is worn on it. The harness is a design of straps that cover the body of an animal in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

More advanced (and more expensive) designs include a collar, but to accustom the cat to such a harness is heavier. The straps are fastened on the stomach or on the neck, and the ring to which the leash is attached is located on the back between the shoulder blades. Such a device is anatomically verified and does not burden the spine of the animal.

The material of the straps should be light and soft, the optimal presence of a felt pad, since cats are very sensitive. Before going to the pet store, you should take measurements from a cat - measure the volume of her neck and chest with a centimeter. These data will help you and the sales consultant to choose the right size.

The cheapest harnesses are Chinese, their cost can be up to 100 rubles, but the quality to expect from them certainly is not worth it.

Branded harnesses will cost a minimum of 200 rubles. Models with reflectors, special models for kittens, harnesses from natural suede, etc. will cost even more. The most common manufacturers of such leashes for cats are Cameo, Trixie and HunterSmart.

There is also a more interesting design, which, rather, is more clothing than a harness. This is a KittyHolster harness, which is worn over a cat like a jacket. The animal in it is less likely to catch on, so the harness and overalls are less likely to break. Besides, the cat in this harness is much more comfortable, and it gets used to it much faster. But pleasure is not cheap, and it will have to be ordered from foreign stores.

Getting ready for a walk

No difficulties in how to put a leash on a cat, no - just follow the instructions attached to each model. Of course, this is true in the event that you know how to train a cat to leash.

Cats are wayward and freedom-loving. Not many people like putting on such a harness. Therefore, the cat should be taught to leash by a kitten. At home, put a cat on the cat, leave it for a few minutes, and then remove it; from the next day, repeat the same actions, giving the cat more time to get used to the harness. When you can walk freely with the cat around the house, try to go out into the street. For the first walk try to choose a quiet quiet place where there will be no dogs, moving cars and a large crowd of people.

Adult cats need more time than kittens to get used to the harness.

The main thing, remember: you do not walk with a cat, but she is with you. Therefore, submit to her will and follow her, and the idea of ​​controlling the cat is discarded immediately.