Why does the dog put out the tongue in the heat?

Very often the question arises as to why the dog puts out the tongue in the heat, since it does not always look beautiful. But for this behavior, the pet has its own reasons.

Features of the canine organism

People get rid of excess heat with sweat. We, we can say, were lucky. There are enough sweat glands in a person, it is not necessary to exert any effort to cope with the unbearable heat. But the dogs all over the body - thick wool , sweat just do not get through it. Therefore, sweat glands in dogs are located only between the toes and tongue. The area is very small to facilitate and speed up the process of heat exchange, the dog often breathes, sticking out his tongue. For a four-legged friend, this is practically the only way to escape heat.

In addition to hot days, the dog breathes with his tongue sticking out, if emotions overwhelm her, or during exercise. In such cases, the internal temperature of the animal rises, and the sticking out tongue helps to return the body temperature to a normal level.

How to help a pet in a warm season?

To help the dog cope with the heat, it is worth sticking to a few simple rules:

  1. Given that the dog often puts out the tongue, it is necessary to carefully select the muzzle for the pet. Its design should take into account the features of the thermoregulation of the dog and not prevent it from sticking out the tongue.
  2. It is not necessary to walk with a dog in the very heat, a four-footed friend with more joy runs around the sutra or in the evening when the sun is not so active.
  3. A dog should always have a bowl with clean and fresh water.
  4. If the pet has an opportunity to swim in some pond, he will be very happy about the fun game and the invigorating coolness.

Knowing why the dog puts out the tongue in a strong heat, you can notice in time that the pet suffers from overheating, and help him cope with the heat without unpleasant consequences.