What is the largest dog in the world?

Find out what the largest breed of dogs in the world is quite difficult. Some animals have weight under a centner, others of medium gravity, but grow to a meter at the withers, so several criteria should be taken into account. In this rating, we tried to take into account all the features to find out who is the main giant among the canine family.

Top-10 biggest dogs in the world

Dirhound. By weight, this breed can not be considered a record holder, because on average the dirhands rarely grow over 50 kg, but the growth at the withers is quite impressive - up to 76 cm. In addition, they are such fast hunters that rarely a deer manages to escape from the chase.

Newfoundland. At home these dogs help fishermen, being great swimmers. They even have webbed paws, which indicates the "marine" origin of the breed. On average, Newfoundlands weigh about 65 kg, but there is information about the record, which reached an impressive 117 kg.

Leonberger. Male dogs of this breed reach 78 kg, and bitches - 60 kg, so leonbergerov can be safely classified as very large dogs. These pets are considered good and daring watchmen, while with family members they behave very gently and with ease. Especially they like to play with children, forgiving kids even the most daring pranks.

Russian hound greyhound. This breed has a record growth of up to 82 cm, so in the rating "What is the biggest dog in the world" it was not accidental. On the hunt the brown hound can accelerate to 70 km / h, catching any game almost instantly.

Alabai . Unskilled Alabai do not tolerate competitors around themselves and can break an extraneous dog, but school-trained animals are quite friendly to family members and are considered excellent watchmen. On average, these pets grow to 80 kg, but among them there are real giants. Dog Bulldozer from Stavropol, for example, weighing more than 125 kg, he easily rolls the kids on his back without any fatigue.

Tibetan mastiff. When studying the question of which breed of dogs is the largest, Tibetan mastiffs simply can not be ignored, because in appearance they resemble real lions. By weight, Tibetans are almost all about a centner and are so formidable that they may not even attack robbers, they themselves will be deterred at the sight of such a terrible and giant four-legged guard.

Mastino neapolitano. Breeding Neapolitan mastiffs began to get fighters for the arena against lions, bulls and wild animals. Aggression in them is inherent in genes, so the owner requires caution, endurance and experience in order to raise a good caretaker and friend. By weight, these mastiffs grow to 70 kg and above.

Irish Wolfhound. At the withers, these giants can grow up to 86 cm, but they usually do not weigh more than 55 kg. They are famous, as good and fast hunters, and in appearance Irish wolfhounds are very much like a greyhound. On the weak and small, they almost do not attack, differ sensitivity and love for children.

English Mastiff. Weight of English mastiff exceeds 100-110 kg. The record holder of the breed Hercules dog reached 128 kg, but even he was beaten by Haykama Zorba, who showed an exceptional result on the scales, only slightly not reaching 156 kg.

German dog. Among the aristocratic and graceful danes are many champions in terms of height and weight. For example, the handsome giant Giant George in length reached a giant size of 221 cm. But he was replaced by a dog throne Zeus from Michigan, exceeding the old record by 2.5 cm.