Types of headache

When the head starts to hurt, only one single thought is visited: "How can I get rid of the pain as soon as possible?". Many immediately reach for the first aid kit and get out of there an on-duty anesthetic that has managed to prove itself well. But at one point the medicine ceases to function. And very often the reason is not at all addictive. The thing is that there are different types of headaches. They manifest themselves quite unlike, and cause their different from each other factors. To know what kind of pain happens, you just need to be able to quickly stop the attack.

The main types of headaches and the causes of their appearance

There are a lot of different types of painful sensations. We will tell only about their basic them.


Pretty unpleasant phenomenon. It is accompanied by very severe pain localized at one point. Often the accompanying symptoms of the problem are nausea, vomiting, dizziness.

Headache of tension

The most common is a headache of intense type. It is diagnosed in most patients. Painful sensations spread throughout the circumference of the skull. It seems that all the muscles in my head are tense, but they do not seem to relax their capabilities. Often this problem causes stress, strong emotional and physical stress.

Vascular pain

Another type of headache is vascular. Most brightly it is shown in the mornings. Characterized as pulsating and bursting. In almost all cases, except painful sensations, patients complain of weakness and severe dizziness. Provoke symptoms of a pressure shock.

Cluster headache

Pain that disturbs at night is called cluster pain. Usually they are pulsating and spread only to one half of the skull. It is believed that the appearance of painful sensations is affected by stress, smoking, sudden changes in the weather.

Headache in meteorological dependence

There is also a separate type of headache associated with changes in the weather. They suffer meteozavisimye people. The nature of painful sensations - dull, and intensity - not too strong.

Headache with VSD

More often than usual attacks are agonized by patients with a vegeto-vascular dystonia . The pain can be compressive, burning and bursting.

Pain of the head with osteochondrosis

Separate views are headaches that occur with osteochondrosis in particular and diseases of the musculoskeletal system in general. Almost always unpleasant sensations are concentrated in the nape of the neck, sometimes extending to the neck and shoulders.