Hepatomegaly of the liver

Hepatomegaly of the liver is an increase in the size of this organ, associated with various pathological processes. The dimensions of the liver are determined by means of computed tomography, ultrasound diagnosis, palpation.

Normally, the liver is soft, painlessly probed under the costal arch. The affected liver is characterized by tightness, swelling of the tissues, development of tumor formations, accumulation of various substances in its cells. Minor hepatomegaly can occur with colds, eating disorders, but this does not require treatment.

Causes of hepatomegaly

Hepatomegaly is not an isolated disease, but a syndrome that accompanies virtually every liver disease, as well as the pathology of some other organs and systems. The causes of this pathology can be divided into three groups.

Diseases of the liver

Diseases of the liver, as well as chronic infections and intoxications, in the neutralization of which the liver is involved:

Diseases of the liver are characterized by the damage of its cells, as a result of which tissue swelling occurs or the regeneration process is started. In the second case, the formation of new connective tissues is observed, the volume of the liver is increased, the organ acquires a knobby form.

Endocrine pathologies

Metabolic disorders:

Some of these diseases are genetically conditioned and practically independent of the person's lifestyle. Others can be caused by factors such as obesity, alcohol abuse, prolonged drug therapy, etc.

As a result of metabolic disorders in the liver, various metabolic products accumulate, which lead to a change in its structure and volume.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Diseases of blood vessels and heart:

These diseases lead to stagnation of blood, a decrease in the intake of oxygen and, as a consequence, edema of various organs. The liver suffers the most from this, because of the swelling and destruction of its cells - hepatocytes - due to edema. The tissues of the liver are gradually replaced by connective tissues, which leads to its increase.

Symptoms and signs of hepatomegaly

In most cases, with hepatomegaly, there are diarrheal phenomena: heartburn, nausea, stool changes, bad breath. Patients often feel the enlarged liver as a "tight lump". On the pathology may signal specific liver signs: jaundice skin and sclera, itching of mucous membranes and skin, petechial rashes ("liver sprouts").

Treatment of liver hepatomegaly

When hepatomegaly is detected, a number of laboratory and instrumental studies are assigned to determine the cause of this pathology. The most reliable data allows to obtain diagnostic laparoscopy with a biopsy fence.

The treatment depends on the cause of this condition. If possible, conservative or surgical treatment of the underlying disease is performed. As a rule, hepatoprotectors, diuretics, vitamins, agents that support osmotic equilibrium. In some cases, liver transplantation is possible.

Otherwise, symptomatic and palliative treatment is prescribed, the purpose of which is temporary relief, improvement of the quality of life and its prolongation.

Of great importance in the treatment of liver hepatomegaly is a diet whose goal is to reduce the burden on the body, maintaining its basic functions. The basis of the diet is a reduction in the intake of carbohydrates and fats. If hepatomegaly is caused by a metabolic disorder, then the food excluded from the diet is not able to be properly absorbed by the body.