Allergy to the face

When face allergies appear for the correct treatment tactics, it is necessary to identify the factors that caused this phenomenon as soon as possible. For this it is necessary to visit an allergist or dermatologist and, possibly, undergo special tests.

Causes of allergies on the face

It is known that the tendency to allergic reactions is transmitted genetically. A major role in the development of allergic diseases is also played by the unfavorable ecological situation, excessive hygiene and hygienic procedures and the use of a large number of chemicals.

Any one of the substances and phenomena occurring in nature can cause an allergic reaction to manifestations on the face. But most often the allergy on the face is provoked by the influence of such factors:

  1. Foods - an allergy can appear on both a certain product and its components. Powerful products-allergens - chicken eggs, honey, citrus, fish, milk, etc.
  2. Plants - as a rule, the allergy manifests itself during the flowering period in the spring-summer period.
  3. Drugs - this can be as a systemic medicine (tablets, injections), and topical agents (ointments, creams). Most often there is an allergy to anesthetics, antibiotics.
  4. Means of household chemicals and cosmetics (detergent, dishwashing detergent, soap, face cream, powder, etc.) - the allergy can appear both with direct contact of substances on the skin, and when exposed to their vapors.
  5. Animals and insects - in this case allergens are substances contained in wool, saliva, feces, insect venoms, etc ..
  6. Dust (home, book, flour, wood, construction).
  7. Mold fungi.
  8. Ultraviolet rays (photodermatitis) - an allergy is caused by the interaction of ultraviolet with substances on or in the skin.
  9. Low temperatures - an allergy to cold on the face is associated with a change in the structure of proteins under the influence of cold, which the immune system begins to perceive as alien.

Symptoms of an allergy on the face

External manifestations of allergy on the face can be:

In some cases, there may be a cough, a sore throat , a stuffy nose, a cold. Also, rashes, swelling and redness can be observed in other parts of the body.

How to treat an allergy on the face?

First of all, for successful treatment it is necessary to exclude contact with identified or possible allergens. The tactics of treatment are determined by the severity of the process, the nature and localization of manifestations. In many cases, allergy medications on the face are prescribed in a complex way: external medicines are recommended together with taking the tablets.

As the drugs of systemic action, antihistamines are used. External antiallergic drugs can be hormonal and non-hormonal. In this case, the use of corticosteroids for treatment can remove several symptoms of allergy at the same time: face swelling, redness, itching, etc. And the action of non-hormonal drugs is directed, as a rule, to the relief of individual symptoms.

In addition to treatment with medications, you must also revise the diet, adhere to a certain regimen recommended by the doctor. During the treatment it is forbidden to use cosmetics, and you can wash yourself with hypoallergenic soap only.