How to build a relationship with your mother?

It has long been known that people of different generations have different understandings of each other, often there are difficulties in mutual understanding. After all, they have different values, views on life, etc. Not all children can boast that their relationship with their mother is on top. But in fact, parents are able to understand their children, just the latter need to intelligently explain the reasons for their discontent.

We will try to figure out how to establish relations with my mother and how to later correctly explain to her all that is painful.

Bad relationship with mom - reasons

Let us consider the possible reasons for the omissions arising between parents and their children.

  1. Mother tries through her daughter's life to realize her unfulfilled hopes and dreams. Such a motive can be expressed either in a soft push toward some ideas or in the strict articulation of one's own opinion.
  2. Also, a complex relationship with the mother can be caused by the desire of the child to get approval from the mother. You are ready to do everything that is required for the sake of maternal praise. You are always short of her. The reason for this is hidden in your childhood. Most likely, that from the very childhood you were taught that it is necessary to achieve a lot, and the failures were perceived negatively by the parents.
  3. A big difference in the age of two generations.
  4. You hear constant criticism from your mother every day. Endless quibbles further complicate the relationship between mother and daughter.

Problems in dealing with mom - the solution

Of course, the initial causes of misunderstanding can be very different, their beginning may be hiding even in childhood. Over the years, it accumulates. There is no point in keeping it to yourself. Let's give examples of recommendations on how to improve the relationship between mother and daughter.

  1. Try to find the cause of what drives the decisions, actions of your mother in your address. It is possible that the incentives for such behavior are its good intentions. When you realize that your parents wish you only happiness, then you should be sympathetic to its actions.
  2. Understand that you are different generations, different personalities. Your mother, like you, has her own opinion about your life. But this means that you should not live the life that your mother is trying to create for you. Listen to her advice, but also have your own individual opinion on this matter.
  3. Learn more about the life of parents. Many vital facts of the mother are able to give you an answer to why she reproaches you all the time, etc.
  4. Realize the responsibility that lay with your mother. Put yourself in her place. Feel all the difficulties that she has ever had to experience. Remember how much time she devoted to you. Thanks to the understanding of this, you can easily cope with any turmoil arising in communication with the mother.

So, the attitude of the daughter and mother is not always ideal, but this is not an excuse for giving up. We must seek to find common ground with our parents. After all, life is short and it is necessary to appreciate every moment lived with them.