Geranium from seeds

Lovers of growing plants from seeds will be interested in information on how to grow geranium on the site and take care of it. Many people are interested in how to grow geranium from seeds, but it stops the laboriousness and complexity of this process. We will prove to you that in the planting of geranium seeds there is absolutely nothing complicated!

General information

Like any other plant, geraniums need the right soil composition. It is best suited for planting geranium seeds with a mixture of light soil, sand and peat in equal proportions. The best time, when it is worth sowing geranium seeds, is the period from the middle of February to the end of March (depending on the climate of the area). Note that earlier sowing is also possible, but a phytolamp is required to compensate for the insufficient daylight duration. By itself, geraniums are not demanding on moisture, so watering should be moderate, especially in winter. Watering the plant is only after the soil is fairly dry. But light for this plant, as a rule, is always not enough, but this does not mean that it is better to put a pot of geranium on an open window sill. Direct rays are as damaging to this plant as their absence, so the best option for geranium will be artificial light or diffused sunlight throughout the day.

Sowing and caring for young plants

After a short introductory course, it's time to move on to the very process of geranium seed multiplication. For this, it is necessary to prepare the aforementioned soil mixture and sterilize it with boiling water or a weak solution of manganese. Seeds are scattered on the surface of the substrate, and then cover them with a thin layer of soil (enough and five millimeters). It is better to refuse irrigation, replacing it by spraying the soil. It is recommended to cover the planting container with a film, but periodically it needs to be lifted and droplets of condensate removed. The optimum temperature for seed germination is about 20-22 degrees. Shoots, if done correctly, will appear after two weeks. After we found out how to properly plant geranium seeds, you can proceed to the process of care for seedlings. When the young plants have a third real leaflet, they need to be planted. In this case, an extremely important factor is that the roots of the plant must be at the same depth as the seeds sprouted. The most acceptable temperature for normal growth of seedlings varies within 18 degrees. After another 7-8 weeks, a transfer to a larger pot will be needed again. In the future, the transplantation is not required, it is replaced by the renewal of the upper soil layer.

And in the end, let's find out how to get the seeds of geranium at home, to forget about their purchase forever. First, we choose a "donor", they should become a healthy plant with a large number of inflorescences. Consider that "children" will not necessarily be are similar to their "parent". A few days after the geranium bloom, it will be necessary to work "bee". To do this, tweezers are plucked from one flower and transferred to other pollen. How to understand that everything went well? Everything is simple, the flower base with successfully carried out pollination will gradually become longer, and then a seed box will form there. Collect the seeds should be only after the box itself burst. This is a guarantee that they are ready to plant.

As you can see, everything is quite simple, if you first acquire knowledge. Good luck in growing out of the seeds of this wonderful plant!