False ceiling in the bathroom

The bathroom is a room in which the humidity is constantly increased. Therefore, choose the finish for the ceiling should be very carefully. Today there are several options for making a ceiling in the bathroom. These are expensive stretch ceilings, and budget plastic panels, and aluminum ceiling systems. However, the most popular for a bathroom is a suspended ceiling.

Advantages of suspended ceilings for the bathroom

Suspended ceiling is convenient and easy to install. He does not need special care, and it can be done quickly enough. In addition, this ceiling is practical, because in the space between the suspended structure and the ceiling plates, ventilation boxes and electrical wiring are perfectly concealed.

Suspended ceiling has good sound insulation, aesthetic appearance, reliable and durable.

The market of suspended ceilings is represented by models of rich color scale. Therefore, by combining various modules, you can get the original design of the ceiling for the bathroom. It is also possible to select modules according to the size of your personal room. This will save money on materials, without scraps.

Types of suspended ceilings in the bathroom

There are several types of suspended ceilings, which differ in the materials from which they are made. Especially popular is the suspension system of aluminum rails. It has excellent water-repellent properties: it does not get wet, does not rust. The rack suspended ceiling in the bathroom is not subject to deformation, its elements do not loosen and do not rattling.

Rack-mounted suspended ceiling can be used even in low spaces due to the fact that this design takes only about 3 cm of height.

Care of the suspended ceilings in the bathroom is simple enough: they are washed with ordinary detergents, except abrasive.

Rack-type suspended ceilings are continuous or perforated. It should be remembered that when mounting the rack panels, you can not use other metal elements, except aluminum, to avoid corrosion in the wet room of the bathroom.

Stretched ceiling - this is another type of suspension systems. It is made of high-strength PVC film. Therefore, it is not afraid of moisture or mold, and dust and dirt from it are easily removed during normal wet cleaning. Such a coating will serve you for many years without changing its color. Although the installation of stretch ceilings - quite expensive, but their beautiful appearance fully pays for all costs.

A plastic false ceiling in the bathroom is also a fairly common option. Such PVC panels have excellent moisture resistance, are easy to install, durable and well decorated bathroom, hiding all the flaws in the ceiling. And the price for them is low.

You can make a false ceiling in the bathroom from plasterboard. However, in this case, you should choose a moisture-resistant material, which even at the finish of its painting will not be afraid of moisture and condensation. Sheets of such drywall should have a characteristic bluish or greenish tinge. This suspended ceiling model is inexpensive and easy to install. If you have a spacious bathroom, then plasterboard can be built as a single-level, and a complex multi-level ceiling.

Sometimes you can meet in the bathroom a false ceiling made of steel modules. He is also not afraid of any leaks and has strength. The disadvantages of this coating is that it makes the room below at least 10 cm. Therefore, it is better to apply it in a bathroom with a high ceiling.

As you can see, there are several variants of suspended ceilings that can be used in the bathroom. So the choice is yours.