Products containing amino acids

Amino acids are not only constituents of proteins, but also fulfill their specific functions in the body. There are interchangeable and irreplaceable amino acids. The organism synthesizes the replaceable amino acids independently from food products, including protein, and only then they become parts of our already muscular fibers.

As for the essential amino acids, they need to be found in food products, since we can not produce them ourselves. If our diet lacks at least one essential amino acid, growth processes stop, body weight decreases, metabolic disorders occur.

Now you understand why it is so important to skillfully select products containing amino acids.

Essential amino acids in foods

Let's go through each of them separately

Lysine - is found in foods of animal origin, eggs, hard cheese, in nuts, seeds, cereals, and beans. This amino acid functions as growth and hematopoiesis.

Products containing the essential amino acid leucine are:

Leucine is useful for the thyroid gland.

Valine is found in chicken, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, liver, rice. Isoleucine should be found in marine fish, especially in cod liver, buckwheat, cheeses and peas.

Which foods contain one of the most famous amino acids, arginine, most of us already know from the advertisements. These are all seeds, nuts, cereals and cereals. Arginine has very extensive "duties" in our body. He is responsible for the nervous, reproductive, circulatory system, helps in detoxification of the liver, increases immunity. By the way, in part, a person can synthesize it, but this possibility decreases with age.

Tryptophan - another known amino acid, is found mainly in dairy products. In addition, its content is high in meat, but it varies in different parts of the carcass. The most "tryptophan" are the back leg and the notch.