Hot Injection

In fact, this injection is not heated, and the injected solution has room temperature. Its name was given a hot shot because of the subjective feelings of the patient - a feeling of spreading heat or even a burning sensation after the procedure.

Hot shot of calcium gluconate

This drug is used to replace calcium deficiency in the body, as well as to treat skin, allergic, inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases.

There are three ways in which hot strikes of calcium gluconate are performed:

Calcium chloride - hot injections and indications for use

As already mentioned, the described agent effectively helps with a lack of calcium, as well as in the period of increased need of the organism in this microelement, for example, during lactation, fetation. In addition, a hot shot can be prescribed if absorption of calcium by intestinal mucosa is difficult for some reason or its content in the diet does not cover the norm.

As an auxiliary medicine injection is used in the therapy of various colic - bile, intestinal and renal.

High effectiveness of hot prick when relieving inflammation, the need to reduce the permeability of blood vessels, allergic manifestations .

It is worth noting that this injection is used as an anti-shock drug in a complex of resuscitation measures.

Calcium chloride - hot prick and contraindications

Before the appointment of the drug, the attending physician must find out whether the person is intolerant and hypersensitive to calcium gluconate. With caution and under the supervision of a specialist, the agent in question is used for respiratory, renal and cardiac insufficiency, as well as for the course of glycosidic medicines.

The procedure is contraindicated for stable ventricular fibrillation and a significant excess of microelements in the body.

Hot prick of calcium gluconate in a vein - consequences

When the medicine is injected into an inappropriate blood vessel with a small diameter, a chemical burn of the mucosa of the inner walls of the vein can occur. As a consequence, the development of various diseases, especially thrombophlebitis , is possible.

There are rare cases where calcium chloride accidentally falls under the skin. In such a situation, necrosis of subcutaneous fat tissue is formed, the intensive inflammatory process with severe suppuration begins quickly, requiring surgical intervention.

It should be remembered that too rapid introduction of the drug is fraught with acceleration of contractile movements of the ventricles, and this can lead to cardiac arrest.

Magnesia - hot prick

In contrast to calcium gluconate, such an injection is performed intramuscularly. The drug is most often prescribed to reduce the tone of the uterus to pregnant women with the threat of premature childbirth or miscarriage.

It is important to inject in large clusters of muscles, the buttocks are best suited, preferably the area of ​​the outer upper quadrant of this zone. Magnesium sulphate should be administered very slowly to prevent the drug from stagnating in the muscle tissue. In addition, you need to make sure that the needle is not in the blood vessels and small arteries.

Usually a hot shot is transferred well, especially if the patient after a certain procedure is in the horizontal position for some time. In some cases, the injection requires anesthesia, which is often provided by the parallel administration of novocaine.