Hair climbing - what to do?

The problem of hair loss is very relevant in our time and the question of "climbing hair, what to do?" Excites not only women, but also men. Factors affecting the health of our hair are a great many - from the gassing of air and "radiation" to a too zealous desire for beauty and active "care" for the hair. So, first, we need to understand the cause of hair loss. It is better, of course, to consult a specialist, since if hair falls out and hair follicles die, only he can help. But if hair loss is a temporary phenomenon, you can try to do something yourself.

Why does the hair come in?

The reasons for too active hair loss can be:

1. Improper hair care and abuse of styling products

Often, hair climbs after staining, too frequent or too intense. After a perm or use of hot irons, which straighten hair. Excessive exposure to hair dryers and hair styling products. Many, striving for perfection with the help of these tools, run the risk of remaining without hair at all. If the reason for this, you need to stop for a while and give your locks a breather.

When the hair comes in very good help mask based on burdock oil. Just put it on your hair, put a cellophane shower cap on your head, wrap your head with a towel, and after half an hour wash your head in the usual way. Such procedures are recommended 1-2 times a week.

2. Lack of vitamins in the off-season

Waking up in the morning and noticing on the pillow is not one dozen hairs, you will surely begin to scramble the Internet in a panic in search of an answer to the question: "What to do if your hair gets so hard?". And you look at the calendar. If on it beautiful letters put out the autumn or spring months - everything is simple. Most likely, your hair is bunched because of a lack of vitamins. In addition to hair avitaminosis can affect the nails and generally the general condition of the body. How good that in our time there is no shortage of vitamin complexes. In any pharmacy you can buy one. Ask your hairdresser, he will tell you about a special shampoo or mask, which is also so rich in pharmacies, and pick the one that is best for your hair type.

3. Various diseases

It happens that after a long or serious illness, when you had to take strong medications, or even antibiotics, to undergo irradiation, the question of hair loss comes to the fore. In such a situation, the problem does not dare until the immunity is restored. It is necessary to discuss with the doctor the possibility of using the drugs necessary for this.

4. Excessive fad diets

One more reason for hair loss is diet. Often young ladies who are very concerned about the question: "How fast to lose weight?", After a very short period of time they are looking for the answer to the question: "What to do when the hair comes in?". The reason, in this case, are diets, or rather a sharp decrease in the ingestion of vitamin B, which is simply necessary for our hair. You should not forget about this and, even when trying to correct a figure, you need to create your own menu with this vitamin in mind.

5. Wrong wearing of the headdress

If you are faced with the fact that the hair does not just climb, but it also scratches your head, the reason can be covered in the wrong wearing of the headdress. At what equally it is harmful to both zealous at the wearing of hats, and their complete disregard. For example, some of them interfere with the access of air to the hair. A walk with an uncovered head in frosty or windy weather gives the same result as wearing hats-earflaps in the summer. That is, the hair suffers from temperature changes. Hence, a well-known proverb can be remade like this: "A good hat for the weather!"

A few tips for caring for hair-prone

It is necessary to care for hair is massage. When washing your head, simply massage the scalp with your fingers. This improves the flow of blood to the hair follicles, which means that they improve the intake of vitamins and nutrients to them. It would be nice to pamper your hair with a massage for the night - you need to comb your hair 5-10 minutes before you go to sleep.

A balanced diet is also just necessary for the health of your hair. Eat foods rich in vitamins B and C.

Health to you and your hair!