Tendovaginitis of the wrist joint - treatment

Tendovaginitis is a disease in which the connective tissue membranes surrounding the tendons are affected. Quite often occurs tendovaginitis of the hand, or rather, the wrist joint. Consider how the disease manifests itself at a given localization, why it arises, and what treatment is carried out with this diagnosis.

Causes and symptoms of wrinkled tendovaginitis

The main factor leading to the development of tenosynovitis is the penetration of pyogenic bacteria into the fibrous case surrounding the tendon as a result of injuries or purulent processes in the surrounding tissues. More rarely, the cause of pathology is excessive regular load on the tendon (which may be related to professional activities). Tendovaginitis brush can also be associated with hypothermia of the hands.

Inflammatory process, taking place in the tendon sheaths, leads to the appearance of swelling, sharp pains that increase during movement, increase in body temperature. If the disease is not treated, it can go into chronic form, and also lead to a significant restriction of movements in the joint.

Treatment of tendovaginitis of the wrist (wrist joint)

In the diagnosis of tendovaginitis, radiography is recommended to exclude arthritis, osteomyelitis and some other diseases in which changes in bones and joints are observed. Before the appointment of treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause of the disease (whether or not associated with the infection).

First of all, it is recommended to ensure maximum rest and fixation of the affected hand. For fixation, the imposition of a tight bandage or longiets is often used, the patient is released from work. With severe pain in the radiocarpal joint, the treatment of tendovaginitis involves the appointment of novocain blockades .

In the case of infectious tendovaginitis antibacterial drugs are prescribed, and with the development of a purulent process, surgical intervention (opening, draining) may be required. Purulent tendovaginitis of the wrist joint is dangerous in that if pus gets into adjacent tissues (joints, bones, blood), sepsis can develop. In the non-infectious nature of the disease, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (more often local) are prescribed to reduce the inflammatory process.

After relief of acute phenomena physiotherapeutic procedures are recommended:

Also shown therapeutic gymnastics and massage. In the future, the patient's hand gradually increase the passive load, the movement. After the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, the patient is discharged, but at the same time he recommends an extremely easy work for a certain period.

Of the traditional medicine for the treatment of tendovaginitis of this localization, compresses with bear bile are considered effective enough. To prepare the compress, you should warm the bile in a water bath and soak the gauze folded in several layers.

Prophylaxis of tendonitis of the wrist joint

To prevent the disease, you should:

  1. Avoid excessive stress and fatigue during physical work, as well as injury to the brush.
  2. If the integrity of the skin, even minor ones, is violated, antiseptic treatment of injured areas should always be carried out.
  3. Also in order to avoid the development of tendovaginitis, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, to monitor the cleanliness of the hands.

At the first signs of the disease, you should always consult a doctor and then follow all the recommendations to avoid possible complications.