Cranberries - useful properties and contraindications

Cranberry is a plant of the cranberry family. Its fruits are small sour berries. They are used for preparing various dishes and drinks: fruit drinks, jelly, pies, sauces. You can use berries in a raw or dried form. But it is necessary to do this with care, as the cranberry has not only medicinal properties, but also contraindications.

Useful properties of cranberries

Cranberries are not only very tasty, but also incredibly valuable product. The berries contain a whole complex of vitamins and nutrients. It includes:

The use of cranberries for the body is indisputable, because all the substances included in it are perfectly balanced and well absorbed by the body. These small berries have a positive effect on some organs and systems, so they can help people with a variety of diseases.

The benefit of cranberry is not only that it can be used to treat certain ailments. The fruits of this plant are used to improve the work of the whole organism and for general improvement of health.

Cranberry protects a person from pathogens and viruses. It strengthens the immune system, removes harmful substances, and improves blood circulation. Be sure to consume her berries at elevated temperatures during ARI and ARVI if you have no contraindications to its use, since the benefits of cranberries are that they have excellent antipyretic properties.

Indications for the use of cranberries

It is recommended to consume cranberries in large quantities during periods of physical or mental overexertion. This berry increases efficiency, mobilizes the resources of the body and tones it. Patients who have a cancerous tumor need to eat a little fresh cranberries every day, as it contains resveratrol, which is to fight cancer cells.

Stick to a diet for weight loss? Do not be afraid of using cranberries with honey: the body is of great benefit from it, while it is low in calories. The berries of this plant are used in the fight against nephritis and cystitis. On the influence the cranberry reminds antibiotics (removes painful sensations and stops inflammations), but thus it does not render destructive action on an organism.

Invaluable is the benefit of cranberries for women and men who have problems with the cardiovascular system, as these berries:

Used cranberry and for the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract. It stops symptoms in colitis and gastritis, and also helps prevent ulcers. Berries are used in pancreatitis (the benefit of cranberry is that it significantly shortens the duration of the therapeutic course and improves the digestion process).

Contraindications to the use of cranberries

Despite the many useful properties of cranberries, this berries have contraindications, so it is necessary to use it very carefully. So it should not be included in your diet to those who have liver disease. It is forbidden to eat this acidic berry to people who have high acidity of gastric juice.

Also, contraindications to the use of cranberries are:

If you have problems with the digestive system, it's best not to eat fresh berries, but the fruit and jelly from it.