Baking parchment

Baking parchment will be a useful helper for any housewife in the kitchen. It serves as a kind of barrier between foods and utensils. Due to this, food does not burn when cooking it.

How to use parchment for baking?

Use parchment for baking is very simple. It is enough to cut a piece of food parchment of the right size and place it on a baking tray - baking sheet, biscuit, cupcakes, breads. In this case, it is recommended to distribute the paper evenly, so that there is no wrinkling left on the baking. In addition, parchment is well used for laying on baking trays for frying meat.

In addition to this traditional way of using parchment paper, it can serve for other purposes, namely:

Thus, food parchment paper can be used in various kitchen processes. It will significantly save your strength and time, as the dishes will remain clean and free from grease after use.

Recommendations for the use of parchment for baking

Nutritional parchment allows you to apply it without lubricating with butter. But some landladies still prefer to lubricate the paper, because this helps that it does not shift when laying out the test. In this process, there is no need, it is enough just to grease the corners of the pan with fat.

It should be noted that if you use silicone dishes, the need for parchment paper is no longer needed.

Some confuse parchment with wax paper. This is not the same, since waxed paper can not be used at high temperatures, which makes it impossible to bake the dough in the oven with its help.

Food parchment paper will help you to facilitate the process of making confectionery and keep their attractive appearance. With her help, any mistress can create real culinary masterpieces.