Changing the water in the aquarium

The aquarium is a completely closed system, therefore, for the normal development of plants and fish, it is necessary to change the water in the aquarium. This procedure will also help to prevent certain diseases.

With regular water changes, the level of nitrates will decrease in it. Fish in the water will have fewer diseases , and new ones will not experience stress when placed in an aquarium.

Partial water substitution

During the first two months, there is no substitution. During this period, the formation of a natural habitat and the addition of new water, will slow down the final processes of its formation. After this time, begin to replace 1/5 of the total volume of water, with a frequency of 1 every 10 to 15 days. Replacing water, also, spend cleaning, collect garbage from the ground and clean the glass. With a more regular substitution, once a week, change 15% of the volume.

Six months later, the habitat enters the stage of maturity and biological balance in the aquarium can only be broken by gross interference. A year later, it is necessary not to let the aging habitat grow old. For this, the accumulated organic matter is removed from the soil, washing it regularly for two months. The total mass of remote debris along with water should not exceed 1/5 of the total volume.

Before using to replace water in the aquarium from the tap, you need to give it a stand for two days. This will remove chlorine and chloramine from it.

Complete replacement of water

A complete replacement of water is carried out only in a few cases. If unwanted microorganisms got into the aquarium, fungal mucus appeared. If the surface has a brown bloom, you need to replace all the water in the aquarium. Because such processes can lead to the death of leaves in plants and the death of fish.

How to replace water in the aquarium?

In order to make a substitution of water in the aquarium, it is necessary to prepare a water tank, a scraper and a plastic hose with a siphon . The rubber hose is not recommended because it will release harmful substances into the water. The bucket is placed below the water level in the aquarium, and one end of the hose is lowered into the aquarium, the other into the bucket. It is necessary to constantly monitor the flow of water, that would not exceed the required volume for substitution. At this time, clean the soil and walls. After this, the necessary quantity of water is added to the aquarium, the temperature of which must be identical.

Compliance with these conditions will prevent the appearance of negative processes in the aquarium and preserve the natural habitat.