How to feed a Labrador retriever?

Dogs have long been living with people and therefore quietly eat food from a common table. However, in order to maintain the health of the dog and its well-being, it is necessary to think about how to balance it and keep all the necessary substances in the required quantities. As a rule, the first time the pups are fed in strict accordance with the recommendations of the breeder from whom you purchased it. Gradually the dog is transferred to "adult" food and the question arises: how to properly feed the Labrador?

The better the Labrador feed?

Many owners prefer prefabricated feeds, because they have exactly balanced a given amount of protein, fats, mineral elements and vitamins. How to feed labradorfood, you decide on your own, but it is worth giving preference to food for large dogs, and ideally choose a high-level feed designed specifically for this breed, for example, "Royal Canin."

Often, the owners try to feed the dogs with food from a common table or cooked specially for the pet, cook porridge and soups, as well as other dishes. With such nutrition, it is necessary to take into account the daily need of a pet in certain substances and to try to keep them in food in sufficient quantity.

When deciding how many times to feed a Labrador, keep in mind that puppies need frequent meals, because they have a small stomach, and a huge amount of energy and energy. As the dog grows older, its diet is reduced from 5-6 meals a day to two, in the morning and in the evening. It is important to observe the volumes of feeding, not reducing portions, but on the contrary, gradually increasing them.

With a natural diet, the basis of the diet is meat. The greatest preference is given to giving a veined beef, but the dog will gladly eat poultry, pork, horse meat, and fish. Will be raw or boiled meat depends most often on the addictions of your pet, in the raw, of course, more vitamins, but many animals do not like it because of the smell of blood. Various subproducts are also useful, which can also be offered to the animal in raw or cooked form. It is desirable to preliminarily chop the meat into small pieces for the convenience of the animal. To any meat or fish, you can add cereals, making a kind of porridge for the dog, but keep in mind that the pearl bar is poorly digested, and allergies may appear on the oats.

Obligatory in the diet of the animal should be dairy products, eggs, vegetables. Most vegetables can be given boiled and wiped or added to the porridge. In the food the dog is added with vegetable oil for good work of the intestine, salt food is very little. Of great importance is the free access of the dog to drinking water. In a day, an adult dog drinks from 50 to 100 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

How can you feed an adult labrador?

Naturally, all products for the dog should be fresh, in no case do not give the animal spoiled food. Food should be at room temperature, hot and cold food is equally harmful to an animal. Avoid spices and smoked products, do not offer sweet. You should not even introduce the pet to the taste of sausages that harm the liver. The widespread myth that a dog needs bones is false. In addition to the fact that the bones spoil the animal's teeth, the tubular bone can split and injure the animal, and in general the animal's intestine is so clogged.

Proper nutrition - a pledge of health and longevity of your pet, its excellent appearance and well-being.