Yalta onion - useful properties

This product can be easily found in many grocery stores, it attracts attention with its unusual bright color. This onion has a lot of advantages, including a rich taste, a lack of bitterness and an unforgettable delicate aroma. If you prefer to use this particular product for cooking, it is not superfluous to learn about the beneficial properties of Yalta onions, because you will understand what useful substances and vitamins you get by eating it.

What is useful Yalta onions?

This product contains a lot of vitamin C necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system. When heat treated, part of ascorbic acid is destroyed, so if you want to get the most out of Yalta onion, eat it raw. Also in this bow you will find such a substance as allicin, it blocks the appearance of atypical cells in the body, and, therefore, prevents the formation of various tumors, including malignant ones. A small amount of sugar in the product makes it a diet, so eating it is worth it for those who care about their figure or want to throw a few pounds. Crimean onion, so sometimes called this product, has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, supports the elasticity of the walls.

Of course, you will bring benefit to the body only if you have a fresh and high-quality product, so let's talk a little about how to distinguish Yalta onion from forgery. In order to buy a good product, inspect its peel, it should be painted in a bright burgundy shade, then evaluate the roots, this kind of onions they are kind of slightly drawn inside.

If you still doubt the quality of the product, you can apply one more method that will help you, how to choose Yalta onions, and to recognize a counterfeit. To use it, you have to cut the bulb, and carefully look at the color of the pulp, it should be whitish purple, by the way, the sharp flavor of the product should not go, Yalta's onion is very soft and unobtrusive smell, which does not watery eyes. Further, evaluate how closely the flakes fit together on the cut, in the present and fresh product they will be difficult to get rid of. And, the last thing that should be done is to count the number of flakes, in the Yalta product they are usually from 5 to 7 pieces.