What do moles mean?

Each person's body has marks left to him by God. At least, so believe the adherents esoteric teachings. Each birthmark has a special meaning, sometimes it means something that even its bearer does not know. It will not be superfluous to note that many myths and truthful facts are connected with this, which can not be ignored.

What does the location of moles on the body of a woman mean?

  1. The face . Everyone has heard that the place where the third eye is supposedly located is considered mystical, filled with a certain sacral meaning. So, those who have such a dot decorated with a mole have a well-developed intuition and in many cases it has not failed them. The mole, located under the right eye, speaks of a soulful person prone to empathy. In the case of the left eye, we are dealing with a person with great intellectual abilities. Now we pass to the cheeks: a mole in the upper part indicates a complex character, in the lower part - a pronounced emotionality. "Place of power", located above the right corner of the lip, is a sign of tenderness, sensitivity, left - sexual energy. If the birthmark is on the chin, then the views of such a person are rarely amenable to changes.
  2. The neck . The holder of this divine label is an unusually economical and loving wife.
  3. Shoulders . Is the mole on the left shoulder? It is important here not to forget to spend money wisely, in order to often not find yourself in a difficult financial situation. If it is on the right, it means that a person has a kind of karmic debt, which then will pass to his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
  4. Hands . First of all, it is important to note the presence of a birthmark on the elbow. It is a symbol of the fact that everything in this life will have to be achieved through hard work, dedication. In any other place on their hands, they promise financial success and happiness in everyday life.
  5. Breasts . From an aesthetic point of view, such a mole looks very tempting. True, her presence in this area suggests a difficult personal life in past female guises.
  6. Waist . On the one hand, these birthmarks mean that there will be a large number of children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. On the other hand, this is a sign of an ambitious, capricious man.
  7. Legs . The area of ​​the thighs is a zone of emotional imbalance. Alas, but people with such birthmarks can get angry for the smallest reason. Knees are a sign that a person does not always have the patience to wait, let's say, his own hour. The shin and ankle are two different sides of the same coin. So, if the first one talks about the ability to be easy on the rise in any endeavor, the moles on the ankle testify to something quite different. If these points are located on the foot, it is important to monitor your own health. After all, the possibility of chronic diseases is not excluded.

What does a lot of moles mean on the body?

More recently, British scientists have found that a large number of "places of power" on the body speaks of the longevity of man. Studies have shown that such people even at the age of 60 look relatively young. In addition, this is proof of a healthy heart muscle and acute vision.

What do birthmarks mean in the form of a triangle?

One of the most common figures created by birthmarks is a triangle. So, these individuals are not afraid of change, they are ready, in which case, again start everything from scratch, knowing that they have achieved what they want. The triangle is a symbol of purposefulness.

What does a mole in the form of a heart mean?

Such a romantic figure bears no less good sense: these people are always the soul of the company, they are eagerly awaited and always want to see. Besides, for this person to be loved and to give love to others is one of the main life tasks.