How quickly to clean the stomach at home?

An ugly and sagging belly is a problem of a huge number of women, but you can cope with it without anyone's help. Fat from this area goes slowly, so the results are obtained only by those who really work. There are several basic principles regarding how to clean a large belly at home. To achieve the result, an integrated approach is important, that is, it will have to work in several directions.

How to quickly remove the belly at home - food rules

You need to start with a revision of the refrigerator and changes in the diet . This is very important, because the result of losing weight by about 70% depends on nutrition. First discard all the sweet, floury, fatty, too salty and smoked. Caloric food is prohibited. Do not forget about the dangers of alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

To remove fat from the stomach at home, follow these rules:

  1. Eat often and in small portions. It is best when there are two more snacks besides three main meals.
  2. Breakfast should be the most satisfying and compulsory meal. For it is worth choosing foods that are rich in simple carbohydrates.
  3. For your menu, choose vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish, cereals and sour-milk products . Cook them best for a couple, in the oven, as well as stew and cook.
  4. For dinner, it is best to choose sour-milk products or a light vegetable salad.

It is important to maintain the water balance in the body, which is important for losing weight. In a day you need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid.

How do exercises remove the stomach at home?

It is important to play sports regularly and at least three times a week. The duration of training is 40-60 minutes. You should start with a warm-up, for which it is better to choose cardio. Each exercise is done in 3 sets of 20-30 times.

How can I clean the abdomen at home with exercises:

  1. "Scissors" . Lie on your back and lift your legs slightly above the floor. Do the mixing and breeding of the legs, as if they were scissors.
  2. "Climber" . Take the emphasis lying. Alternately, bend the legs in the knees and pull them to the chest. You can pull the knee to the opposite shoulder.
  3. Twisting . To work the entire press, it is recommended to do double twisting. Lie on your back and press your waist to the floor. Keep your hands near your ears, and bend your knees. Exhaling, lift the upper back and legs together with the buttocks.