The use of walking

With the advent of a large number of cars and other means of transportation, people began to walk less often. Experts say that they help improve the state of mind, improve health and get rid of extra pounds.

What is the use of walking?

It is noticed that people who like to walk on foot, have stronger immunity and a beautiful figure. If you regularly walk:

  1. The risk of cardiovascular diseases decreases as the endurance and amount of oxygen that goes to the cells of the body increases.
  2. From the body are removed slag, toxins, excess fluid and "bad" cholesterol.
  3. The benefit of walking is also the ability to get rid of excess weight without exhausting workouts.
  4. The process of producing a hormone of happiness is activated, which increases mood .
  5. You can get rid of insomnia, improve your posture and strengthen your bones.
  6. The benefit of walking for foot is the ability to get rid of cellulite.

Helpful Tips

To benefit from walking, you need to observe several rules:

  1. If you find it difficult to go to long-term distance start from 15 min. walk and gradually increase the time and, accordingly, the distance.
  2. If possible, travel by public transport or car is replaced by walking, for example, going to work, to a store or to visit.
  3. So that you do not get tired of such walks, constantly change the route. When you walk it will be easy and fun, go to complicated roads, with hills, stairs, etc.
  4. Choose for your walks are not gassed places, for example, parks, squares, etc.
  5. Clothing for walking should be comfortable and comfortable, while the material should be natural, so that the body breathes.