Motherwort to children

Motherwort, which is also called "heart herb", "dog nettle", has a strong (2-3 times stronger than that of valerian) sedative (soothing) effect. Doctors recommend taking it with increased nervous excitability, neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, insomnia. In addition, the motherwort regulates the rhythm of the heart and helps with angina and other diseases of the cardiovascular system (hence its second name is "heart grass"). Also, the motherwort is used as a mild cholagogue, helps with inflammatory bowel diseases and stomach spasms, and in folk medicine, even rheumatism is treated by a motherwort.

Is it possible to give a baby motherwort?

Assign motherwort and children, and from an early age. The main indications for the use of motherwort in children are the "restless child" syndrome and the syndrome of hyperactivity.

  1. Syndrome of "restless child" (scientific name - a syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability) is a very common phenomenon that occurs in almost 50% of full-term children. In children up to a year, the symptoms of increased neuro-reflex excitability can be considered as the spontaneous Moro reflex (not caused by an external stimulus, throwing up of handles with open fingers), increased muscle tone, tremor of the chin, legs and arms, restlessness during sleep and wakefulness. In one-year-old children and older, the syndrome of "restless child" is manifested in the inability to play quiet quiet games, increased motor activity (including aimless - excess movements of hands, feet, head), talk.
  2. The syndrome of hyperactivity is a violation of the central nervous system, which is also very common in children. Hyperactive children also exhibit excessive motor activity, nervous excitability, and also suffer poorly even short-term separation from the mother, can not concentrate attention, they often have hysterics.

With all these symptoms, a motherwort can help. Only before treating a baby with a motherwort, be sure to consult a doctor. First, in order not to miss the development of more severe nervous diseases, and secondly, in order to correctly choose the dosage form, the way of application and dosage.

How to give motherwort to children?

  1. Children under one year old motherwort is not recommended to give inside, as, as we have already said, this is a rather strong sedative that depresses the central nervous system. But a wonderful and very mild means is bathing a child in a motherwort. Use a pharmacy dry motherwort in bulk or in filter bags (or maybe you yourself dried the grass in summer). A large bath requires 3-4 tbsp. l. dry ground grass or 6-7 filter bags. Brew a motherwort of 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it brew for 30-40 minutes, strain, then add to the bathing bath of the baby. Through the respiratory tract and the skin the child will receive just the necessary amount of necessary substances.
  2. Children older than 1 year decoction of the motherwort can already be added to drink. As already mentioned, the remedy is strong, and its taste is bitter, so pay attention to the low concentration of the solution: less than 0.5 tsp. for 0.5 liters of water. Brew with boiling water and insist 30 minutes, preferably in a water bath. The broth can be given to a child 3-4 times a day before meals (daily dose determine the pediatrician) in pure form or with the addition of a small amount of sugar or honey to improve the taste. You can also add a decoction in regular tea.
  3. Alcoholic tincture motherwort can be given to children only older than 3 years and at a minimum dosage: no more than 1-2 drops per 0.5 cup of water. Alcohol contained in the tincture, even in such small amounts is harmful to the children's central nervous system, and also irritates the gastric mucosa. It is better to give preference to dry plant raw materials, the method of application of which is described above.
  4. Children older than 8 years can be given a motherwort in tablets. Usually prescribed from 1 to 3 tablets per day, but the exact dosage for your child can only be picked up by a doctor.