Signs of teething in babies

Teething teeth in an infant is for the young mother a whole event. It starts all from 4 months, when the baby starts to pull everything in the mouth. At some children this period is painless, but someone is experiencing it very hard. In this article, we will look at the signs of teething in infants, and also how to help them during the period when the child's teeth are cut .

How do teeth erupt in babies?

Signs of eruption of the first teeth appear already in 4 months, thus there is no strict regularity and sequence of their occurrence. In very rare cases the baby is born with the first tooth, and sometimes it appears after a year. Most often, the upper and lower incisors appear at the age of 6-8 months. Then, the large lower and upper molars die, then the second lower and upper molars. Until the age of three, the baby should have 20 milk teeth, which he should not lose until 6 years, until the time of eruption of permanent teeth comes.

What does teething look like?

And now let's talk about what symptoms can be accompanied by teething in the baby. Swollen gums with teething are the first, most harmless signs. They cause itchiness in the child and a constant desire to chew something. Sometimes swelling of the gums brings painful sensations (especially when the molars are pricked) and requires assistance (using local anesthetic ointments such as Babyid).

Erection of the upper molars in infants can be accompanied by temperature, snot and cough. From classic acute viral infection, teething can be distinguished by the absence of contact with an infectious patient, expressed by the child's anxiety, drooling and itching of the gums. If the baby peeks into the mouth, you can see the swollen gums with whitish spots in the places of the supposed tips of teeth. Noteworthy is the restless behavior of the baby with teething. The child becomes whiny, irritable and does not sleep well.

Thus, the signs of teething in babies are very diverse, and parents need to be particularly patient during this period of time. At this time, the baby decreases immunity, and he really can get sick. And one day, feeding your child from a spoon, you will hear a characteristic sound - this will be the first tooth of your child.