Kangaroo for children

Newfangled devices are rather skeptical about the older generation and some doctors. That's why many mothers refuse to use such an incredibly convenient and practical gizmo as a kangaroo carrying for children. How justified are their fears? Let's find out.

When and from what age can you carry a child in a kangaroo backpack?

Turn the first walk into pleasure, keep the feeling of intimacy, and hence the calmness of the baby, free your hands - it is for these purposes that new moms can benefit from a kangaroo backpack for children.

Today in the stores of children's goods, parents can get a faithful assistant - a kangaroo-transformer. This model can be used almost from the birth of a crumb, because you can place the child in it both lying down and sitting. As the baby grows, about 5 months, when his spine gets stronger and he starts to sit down on his own, the transfer can be transformed and already have a curious toddler in the upright position.

There are kangaroo carry-ons, the use of which is strictly limited by the age of the child. For example, those products where horizontal position is not provided, can be used no earlier than 4 months, and only provided that the headrest is comfortable, the rollers on the sides and the protective hood.

Almost in any kangaroo, you can carry a child as a person to yourself and vice versa, it all depends on whether he is sleeping or awake, and how much he is interested in watching others.

However, it is worth remembering that the time spent by the child in the carrying bag must be strictly regulated. It is advisable to get crumbs from kangaroos every 20-30 minutes, and the total length of stay in it should not exceed 1-2 hours. These measures are related to the fact that the toddler is contraindicated long-term presence in one pose - limited movements can lead to stagnation of blood and rapid fatigue. Also, manufacturers do not recommend using kangaroos near fire, in particular during cooking near the stove, while eating. Therefore, wondering when it is possible to carry a child in kangaroos, parents should understand that the carrying bag is not a panacea, but only an auxiliary device that will help out during walks, shopping, and other urgent matters that require freedom of movement.

How to choose the right baby kangaroo?

The convenience, comfort and safety of crumbs placed in kangaroos directly depend on the quality of the chosen model. So, before you buy the favorite "kangaroo", you need to make sure of: