How to understand that the child is full of breast milk?

Are you one of many women who decided to breastfeed? This is a very correct choice. Pediatricians have proved that no mixture, no matter what it is, can not fully replace breastfeeding.

A little time will pass and you will begin to understand each other perfectly well, but for now, of course, you are interested in how to understand that the child is full of breast milk? The question, at first glance, is complicated. But if you understand it, then it will be quite easy to determine.

Truth of a well-to-do baby

There are several simple rules for how to understand whether a child is breastfed, or not:

  1. The crumb falls off like a "full-blooded piyavochka."
  2. After breastfeeding, the child must throw it himself. As a rule, children are very calm and smile or fall asleep.
  3. My mother's breast should be "empty".
  4. The kid should eat not only the front milk, but also the back. It is more difficult to get it, but it is more fatty and nutritious.
  5. The child does not ask for breast and can safely withstand 3 hours after feeding.
  6. This is a very important point in how to determine whether the child is feeding on breast milk or not. Ideally, the baby should be fed after 3.5 hours. However, this rule does not apply to the period of newborns, when toddlers often "hang" on their chests simply because they do not want to be separated from Mom. In this case, the child will not want to be calm at all, but not because he is hungry, but because he is uncomfortable without a mother, because they are still one.

To understand whether the baby is eating with breast milk, the above factors will help. If they are sustained, then we can safely say that the child ate.

Separately, I want to allocate babies up to two months, which may still have gastrointestinal colic. They can claim the mother's breast without any time limits. Presence at mummy on arms or hand and thus, eating a breast milk, them not only calms or abirritates, but also helps or assists a stomach or belly to not be ill.

Why is the baby hungry?

How to understand that the baby does not eat, the question is also not difficult. A hungry baby will ask to eat very often - every 30 minutes. This may have several explanations: it is lazy to suck your breast well or you do not have enough fatty milk. With the first reason to understand quite difficult. You need to make the child eat. If your baby falls asleep or just does not want to work, getting food - wake it up, slow it down so that it is full. This is very important, because it will hang from this, as it will continue to gain weight and develop. The second reason is typical for moms who do not eat too much calorie or simply sit on a diet.

If you can not feed the baby with the breast, resort to decanting and feeding from the bottle. Perhaps the fact that there will be a big hole in the nipple and you will not need to apply much effort, as with breastfeeding, you will be able to feed the crumbs. In any case, this is better than giving the baby baby food.

So, to understand whether the baby is full, whether by his behavior or by whether he sustains a weight gain standard characteristic of his age. And if the crumb does not eat, then you need to make every effort to ensure that breastfeeding lasts at least six months.