Chinese gynecological tampons

Statistics show that more than 75 percent of married women have gynecological diseases. A very sad fact is that most of them start to get treated for something else, or they do not pay attention to the pronounced symptoms, throwing everything off for fatigue. However, gynecological problems need to be treated with great seriousness, since in the future these problems can be greatly aggravated by affecting the woman's genital abilities.

Of course, if you find any signs of a vaginal disease, you need to see a doctor. He will definitely establish a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment. However, a woman can try to help him. For example, special herbal Chinese tampons are considered one of the auxiliary and effective remedies.

Chinese gynecological tampons - composition and application

Chinese gynecological tampons can save you from problems in the field of gynecology. They are created on the basis of natural phytocomponents, due to which they absolutely can not negatively affect health. There are a lot of reports about Chinese gynecological tampons, and almost all of them speak about the effectiveness of the drug.

Tampons can be produced in the form of candles or balls.

  1. Chinese gynecological globules can relieve you of such diseases as thrush, cystitis, inflammation of the fallopian tubes , as well as impaired functionality of the pelvic organs and a number of others.
  2. Chinese gynecological candles are equally effective. They are easily introduced and do not create unpleasant sensations. In a short time you will feel better. Chinese candles will have a beneficial effect on the whole organism, as they include kushen, Chinese kontinent, Bornean camphor and other medicinal components that are combined only in these candles. They are also used as preventive measures to protect themselves from vaginal and other diseases. Chinese gynecological phytochemicals are cured of inflammation, cervicitis , vaginitis, endometriosis, menstrual disorders and other gynecological diseases.