Fibroadenoma of the breast - treatment

Fibroadenoma of the breast refers to benign neoplasms. With this disease, focal proliferation of connective and glandular tissue occurs. Fibroadenoma is most common in women of childbearing age, usually up to 30 years. The sizes of fibroadenomas are often small, about 1 cm.

Let's try to understand how to treat fibroadenoma of the breast, and what methods are most effective.

Methods of treatment

Treatment of fibroadenoma of the breast depends on the size of the formation. If the lesion is less than 1 cm in diameter, it is often observed simply without resorting to surgical intervention. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the mammologist once every 3 months, and undergo ultrasound of the mammary glands at least twice a year. And it is best to conduct a puncture biopsy of the formation to ensure the safety of the tumor. Then periodically undergo an examination to monitor the growth of fibroadenoma.

Operation in the presence of fibroadenoma of the breast is shown in the following cases:

  1. Suspicion that the tumor may turn out to be malignant. To think about this causes a pronounced unevenness of the contours of the tumor, immobility when trying to move and a dense increment to the surrounding tissues, the presence of puffiness, ulceration and other changes on the skin over the formation.
  2. The size of fibroadenoma is more than 1 cm.
  3. Rapid growth of fibroadenoma, ineffectiveness of conservative methods of treatment.
  4. Planning of pregnancy. It is known that during pregnancy significantly changes the hormonal background. And any changes in the level of hormones can both contribute to the reduction of fibroadenoma, and stimulate its growth. And given that during pregnancy, the mammary glands are "prepared" for lactation and increase in size, then the fibroadenoma will also grow.

Removal of fibroadenoma of the breast is possible in two ways. The use of the former is appropriate when suspicion of an oncological process. In this case, the neoplasm with the mammary gland is removed. The second method consists in the removal of only tumor-like formation, while fibroadenoma is "pulled out" from the surrounding tissues. This type of surgery is used most often and is considered one of the simplest operations on the mammary glands.

At present, methods of treating fibroadenoma with the help of laser technologies are being developed.

Unfortunately, the removal of fibroadenoma can not guarantee complete recovery. Often, such formations appear again. Therefore, after it was possible to cure fibroadenoma of the breast, periodic monitoring and monitoring of the condition of the gland by ultrasound is necessary.

Fibroadenoma of the breast and traditional medicine

Folk treatment of fibroids of the breast is not recognized as official medicine. And there are reasons for this, because this benign neoplasm can eventually develop into cancer. In this regard, even if you decide to be treated by folk methods, all the same, do not forget to visit a mammologist. This will allow to notice in time the slightest changes in the structure of the tumor and prevent the occurrence of more serious diseases.

From the traditional medicine used a variety of herbal collections, which have the ability to influence the hormonal background. Apply fees from althea, licorice, fennel, mint, wormwood and other plants. It should be taken into account that each organism is individual, and in some cases herbal treatment causes a positive effect, while in others, the growth of education. In any case, the full resorption of fibroadenoma after conservative therapy should not be counted.