How thin Afrikantova Marina really is?

The scandalous TV show "Dom-2", which has been going on for several years on TNT channel, is again heard by everyone and this time it's not about the love or hatred of any of the participants. The spectacular blonde Marina Afrikantova, who was noted for her magnificent forms, lost a lot of weight, which caused a lot of excitement on the Internet. Everyone rushed to discuss how Afrikantova Marina actually lost weight, expressing various assumptions, sometimes absurd and untenable.

How did Marina Afrikantova lose weight?

According to the girl herself, she began to gain weight after a quarrel with her beloved person and has since tried a huge number of different diets. But neither Hollywood, nor Japanese , nor buckwheat or any other diet did not bring results and departed, it would seem, for ever, kilograms returned again. Everything changed when, at one of the presentations, the participant of "Doma-2" met Alla Dukhova. The great dancer also managed to throw off the extra pounds and was inspired by her results, Afrikantova decided to lose weight, and as it happened in truth, will be told below.

All ingenious is simple: the girl switched to proper nutrition and began to perform physical exercises. She excluded from the diet high-calorie foods and those that cause increased appetite . To the fried, flour, salted and sweet it announced a fight. Baking and baking replaced products based on whole grains - otrubnym bread, bread. Began to lean on cereals, cook porridge from them. Eating in small portions and at least 5 times a day, included in the diet a large number of fruits and vegetables, which purify the body and improve the normal operation of the intestine. For those who are interested in how much more thin Marina Afrikantova has lost, it is worth replying that the girl dropped more than 10 kg. And she realized the importance of water in the diet and began to drink it just like that, even when she was not thirsty.