Chinese Schisandra - planting and care

Shrub Chinese magnolia vine is widely known for its useful properties. But, in addition, he is also very handsome and will become a real decoration of any household plot, in the spring, pleasing the eye with abundant snow-white flowers, and after - bright brushes of ripening berries, contrasting with lemon-yellow leaves. Fruits, leaves and even croissants of lemongrass are highly valued, thanks to the high content of the toning agent of schidzarin in them, as well as of apple, ascorbic and tartaric acids, valuable essential oils, sugars and other microelements. Used for the preparation of beverages, tea, syrups, as an additive to confectionery products.

The birthplace of this winding creek is the Far East, where it safely grows in sandy loamy soils with good drainage, mainly near the water. In natural conditions, Schizandra normally tolerates a shadow, but it fructifies well only under sufficient illumination. Stems reach from 2.5 to 15 meters, it depends on the support on which the bush is trudging. Currently, there are also cultivated, garden varieties of this wonderful plant. The key to the successful cultivation of Chinese magnolia vine is its proper planting and caring for it.

How to plant Chinese magnolia vinegar?

The success of cultivation of Chinese magnolia vine directly depends on the choice of a permanent place for planting. In the middle lane, it should be a warm area, fenced off by cold winds. It is better if it is the eastern or western part of the garden buildings, so that part of the day Schizandra was shaded. You can also plant it along the fence or encircle it with an arch.

Plant Chinese magnolia vine better in late April - early May, in southern areas - in October. It is optimal to plant several lianas at a distance of at least 1 m from each other. When planting a plant near the house, it is recommended to retreat 1.5-2 m from the wall so that water does not get on the roof.

The landing pit should be 50-70 cm in diameter, not more than 40 cm deep. The bottom should be laid with drainage, top should be filled with a mixture of turf, humus and compost in equal parts. Also add wood ash and superphosphate.

The most suitable for planting and viable seedlings, whose age is not less than 2-3 years - with a low height of the lianas they have a fairly developed root system. The root neck should not be deepened into the ground, it should remain at ground level.

Schisandra china - care

After planting, the care of a young plant consists in abundant watering, shading from direct sunlight and spreading around the compost or humus trunk, which will provide additional fertilizing and will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture.

In dry weather, plants should be sprayed with durable or purified water. In order for the foliage to be particularly lush, starting from the 3rd year of life, the bush should be heavily fed with saltpetre, beginning in April. In summer, every two to three weeks, sprinkle magnolia vine with a solution of organic fertilizers (for example, chicken manure), in autumn, superphosphate and ash should be added to the soil.

2-3 years after planting in the garden, that is for 5-6 years of plant life, it starts to bloom and bear fruit. In this period, you should feed him with nitrophic, mullein or bird droppings, sulphate potassium.

Since in natural conditions Schizandra grows at high humidity of air and soil, in the conditions of the garden it needs abundant watering. So, for one adult plant at a time should be used at least 6 buckets of water.

The pruning of Chinese magnolia vine increases its yield, so it should be produced annually in early March. Shorten first of all the tops and vines of the second order.

Schizandra chinese - reproduction

Reproduction of plants can be carried out in several ways with the help of:

The most effective of them is sowing seeds, which is best done immediately after harvesting. For planting in the spring, they should be stratified, placed for a month in moistened sand in a room with a temperature of 18 ° C. Dry seeds are planted no earlier than a year after planting.

Diseases of Chinese magnolia vine

In the garden, the plant has no serious parasites and diseases, but there is a risk of bringing them along with the seedlings from the taiga. Schizandra is prone to phylloquistosis of leaves, powdery mildew , askohitosis, leaf spot.