Stomatitis in infants - treatment

Stomatitis - inflammation of the oral mucosa - quite often occurs in children who are breastfeeding. This is explained by the fact that the thickness of the mucous mucosa in such crumbs is very small to withstand the effects of pathogens - pathogenic microorganisms. This disease is manifested by reddening of the oral mucosa in the baby, by sores, sometimes by white bloom. The child may refuse to eat and drink, and therefore it should not be fed by force, but you should try to regularly give water or offer breast as often as possible.

Stomatitis in infants - treatment

If a stomatitis in infants is suspected, only the doctor should determine how to treat it, because not all drugs and methods used to treat inflammation of the mucosa in older children are suitable for crumbs. Do not try to use "zelenok" for moxibustion, as this can only exacerbate the situation, because the mucous membrane will be burned.

Of the other popular methods often used by parents, mention should be made of honey, which many are trying to handle the affected places in the mouth of the baby. However, some bacteria that cause the disease in question, eat just carbohydrates, which are contained in honey.

For a better and sooner cure, parents must observe the rules of hygiene in order not to catch themselves and not to re-infect their crumbs. The baby should not give anything sweet (for example, sweet tea). In the intervals between the treatment of the mouth of breastmilk, it is possible to give a decoction of chamomile in small doses in order to produce a kind of rinsing of the mouth.

What can be prescribed to a baby?

Before treating stomatitis in babies, doctors usually prescribe pain medications so that the baby is not afraid to suck. After determining the pathogen, appropriate treatment is prescribed. Usually, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral antiseptic ointments or solutions for the treatment of affected areas are prescribed.

When Miramistin is prescribed for stomatitis, it is best for babies to use it in the form of a spray, which greatly facilitates the sanation of lesions. The treatment should be carried out 3-4 times a day for 5-10 days.

Oxolin ointment when stomatitis infants also helps well. It is necessary to apply oxolin ointment 0.25%. As a rule, she treats herpetic lesions. This ointment affects the disease itself, and not just eliminates symptoms.