Aglaonema - benefit and harm

Sometimes, wanting to start a new beautiful indoor plant, we do not think that it can harm the health of family members. That is why, if you want to bring a new flower to your home, you should get acquainted with its negative and positive influences in advance. In this article we will try to figure out whether it is possible to keep Aglaonema at home, it brings more harm or good.

Useful properties of Aglaoneme for home

Basically, Aglaonem is loved to grow because of its decorative leaves and simple care, but it still has a beneficial effect on the state of human health.

In the conditions of maintaining the necessary level of humidity in the room, Aglaonema secretes phytoncides (volatile organic, biologically active substances), which contributes to the purification of air from pathogenic microorganisms and harmful substances, in particular benzene and toluene. According to the teachings of Feng Shui Aglaonema refers to the elements of the Tree, that is, it helps to replenish the vital forces of a person. To do this, it should be located on the eastern side of the dwelling. This is also a scientific fact. This flower fills the air of the room with air ions, which tonify the person, increase his efficiency and help to deal with stress.

Harm from Aglaunums

Like many other representatives of the family of aroids, Aglauna has poisonous juice. That is why it is considered a dangerous plant, but it is not so scary for human health. If after working with Aglaonema on your hands will remain its juice, and you rub your eyes, it will cause irritation of the mucous membrane. To get poisoned, you need to eat a few leaves. Especially poisonous are the fruits of aglaneme, which the child may want to eat because of their bright coloration.

Knowing what harm and benefit brings to Aglaonema, everyone decides for himself whether it is worth growing this flower at home or better abstain.