How to cook jam from a dogwood with a stone?

It can not be said that the fruits of dogwood are very popular in the diet of the majority. The reason for this is probably that the dogwood can not be eaten fresh because of the characteristic tart taste and its astringent properties. Below we will tell you in detail how to make jam from a dogwood with a bone.

Dumpling from dogwood with bones - recipe

Not removing the bones from the dogwood, you not only save a considerable amount of time leaving at the preparatory stages, but also enrich the workpiece with a more pronounced flavor.



Before you prepare a dogwood jam for the winter, prepare the berries themselves, removing the peduncles and rinsing them well.

While the washed dogwood dries, prepare a simple syrup, pour a kilogram of sugar into the boiling water and wait for its dissolution. Immerse the cornel berries in sugar syrup, then reduce heat and leave the dogwood cook for about 20 minutes. Remove the container of berries from the fire and leave for 8 hours. After the infusion, return the container with the jam back to the fire, pour the remaining sugar and send the jam over medium heat for 20 minutes. In the process, the surface will be strongly foamed and the foam should be periodically removed.

The ready dogwood in the syrup should keep its shape, but remain soft. Pour the jam into sterile jars and quickly roll.

How to cook jam from dogwood?

Berries of a cornel may not be famous for their taste, but almost everyone knows about their benefits. To preserve the maximum useful properties of the fruit in the workpiece, it is necessary to cut down the heat treatment time as much as possible, which we decided to do in this recipe.



After preparing the cornel berries, turn to the sugar syrup. Pour the crystals of sugar into the boiling water and wait until they are completely dissolved. After all the sugar has dissolved, pour the hot syrup with pure dogwood and leave to infuse overnight.

In the morning, sterilize the tare for preservation and boil the jam for 10 minutes. Pour the blank over the jars and roll it up immediately.

Jam from cornelian with oranges in a multivark

The multivariate is the best suited for prolonged languishing of ingredients, because if you decide to cook jam, then definitely use the help of this common culinary gadget.



Before you cook the jam from the cornel, pour the cornelian sugar and leave overnight. Follow the sugar crystals, add to the berries and strips of orange peel. Before beginning the cooking, the peel can be removed, or left - it will be sugared and will be very tasty.

Transfer the berries together with the resulting syrup to the bowl of the device and pour all the juice with a couple of oranges. Set the "Quenching" mode and leave the berries to languish for one and a half hours.

The fineness of making a dogwood jam

Having disassembled several recipes, we will conclude with the general subtleties of cooking the billet from the dogwood. Before starting the preparation, be sure to try the berries to determine the degree of acid and, therefore, adjust the total volume of sugar.

The cornelian contains pectin, and therefore the preforms from it are gelled with prolonged digestion, pour in more liquid if you want jam with liquid syrup.

Try to boil the syrup with the addition of spices, citrus and alcohol to diversify the taste of the final billet.