Why do the tips of leaves dry at the palm?

Many grow small indoor palms at home, because this exotic plant can bring a little summer mood to the city apartment throughout the year. But what to do if the pet begins to fall ill? You can often see how the foliage begins to dry out. In this article, we'll talk about why the palms dry leaf tips, and how to deal with this scourge.

Causes of leaf drying at the palm

  1. The main cause of drying leaves in a palm tree is often lack of moisture or too dry air. After all, in nature this plant lives in regions with high humidity, therefore a certain amount of liquid palm is vital.
  2. However, another reason is also possible, according to which the leaves dry at the palm. So, for example, too frequent and copious watering too will not be reflected well on health of a palm tree. The roots can be rotten and the plant will die.
  3. In addition, do not forget about pests and diseases, which can also cause problems in the plant.

What if the leaves wither from the palm?

Here's what to do if the tips of the leaves dry at the palm tree:

  1. First of all, the dried leaves should be carefully removed. If the whole leaf has dried, then it must be removed entirely, but if the tip only begins to dry up, then it is necessary to carefully cut off only the dried part.
  2. Then, if the leaves of the palm turn yellow and dry, you need to fill up the missing water as soon as possible. For this, the plant should be regularly sprayed and properly watered. It is important that the earth clod is humidified evenly. This can be checked by tapping on the pot in which the palm grows.
  3. Also, periodically fertilize the palm with special liquid fertilizing .

If leaves dry on a palm tree, you may not observe the conditions in which it should be kept. Tropical palm trees in winter should be kept warm, while subtropical plants better tolerate winter in cooler conditions.