Diseases of honeysuckle and their control

Once it was believed that the honeysuckle bush is not prone to disease, but it turned out that this is not true. The plant affects both viruses and fungi that are carried by air currents, pests and birds. Let's find out what are the common diseases of honeysuckle, and what is the fight against them.

Leaf mottling

Viral diseases of honeysuckle are mottled when the leaves turn yellow, but this does not happen evenly, and small points and the leaf looks pretty attractive at the same time, so that not every gardener will suspect that something is wrong. Over time, the bush becomes infected completely and disappears, if not start treatment, which reduces to sanitary pruning.

Robe Mosaic

There are such diseases of honeysuckle bushes that their treatment is almost impossible and it is necessary to completely destroy the planting. To these is the mosaic of the rhesus, in which, due to the penetration of the virus, internodes begin to shorten and the foliage is reduced. But the main problem is the growth of sleeping side shoots, which are actively moving into growth, and the foliage remains underdeveloped. Such a plant is completely removed from the garden, as the disease does not respond to treatment.

Powdery mildew

Like other plants, powdery mildew may also appear on honeysuckle. Plaque accumulates on the leaves and rapidly spreads. If you do not perform the treatment, the spores will successfully overwinter in the cortex and for the next year the problem will repeat. Therefore, from the beginning of the growing season, it is necessary to spray with colloidal sulfur and preparations such as Vektra and Skor.


Sometimes on the foliage there are multiple small black dots, increasing gradually in size. This is the accumulation of spores, which leads to the withering and drying of the affected parts of the bush. For prophylaxis, it is required to spray in the early spring with the preparation "Fundazol", and in the summer period with a solution of copper sulfate in combination with household soap.


From whatever disease on honeysuckle is not applied "Fundazol" , it will be equally effective if the treatment is started on time. The disease of ramuliariasis is precisely the case when in the spring it is necessary to carry out preventive sprayings against it. After all, like other fungal lesions, the disease develops very actively.

It is possible to suspect the disease by spreading spots of brown color on foliage with a darker border. When the fungus ripens, a whitish coating appears, which spreads around the area, infecting other plants. In addition to "Fundazol" it will be effective to use a mixture of ordinary soap solution and copper sulfate.